Facilities Management Innovations: Top 08 Trends to Watch in 2023

An efficient facility manager is of paramount importance for every organization. The lack of coordination in varying activities, inappropriate allotment of manpower, irregular maintenance schedules, etc. can not only impact productivity but also affect growth prospects adversely.

Companies look for qualified facility managers and facility management specialists with adequate qualifications and experience. A facility management course in Dubai is crucial for gaining access to this rapidly growing career sector. 2023 is expected to induce momentum in different sectors including facility management. We are discussing facility management innovations and the top 08 trends to watch in 2023.

1. Digitization and Integration of Futuristic Technology

Facility management is not like the earlier days anymore. The availability of digital resources, including facility management software, has transformed the scenario entirely. The functioning of the organization can be systematically streamlined with advanced technology. The facility managers must have adequate knowledge to operate the systems and obtain the intended results. The trend is expected to peak in 2023. The facility management courses in Dubai have also been modified accordingly.

2. Smart Management of the Systems and Manpower

Expenses are increasing day by day. Conflicts between nations and adverse geopolitical conditions are heavily impacting the healthy functioning of companies. The facility management team must understand the scenario and act accordingly. A seamless supply chain, meticulous usage of man and machinery, and incorporation of state-of-the-art methods are essential to steer healthy through the testing time. 2023 might witness modifications in the facility management functionalities to meet the requirements.

3. Versatility is the Key

The facility management team should be adaptable to varying situations. The pandemic that shook the world had been devastating for every sector across the world. Introducing changes with such conditions and maintaining the momentum necessitates versatile facility managers. The coaching offered through facility management courses in Dubai by renowned academies like Your Own includes both theoretical and practical aspects to handle the situations professionally.

4. Effective Usage of Hybrid Work Environment

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us many things. Hybrid work culture is one among those. The workspace can be used effectively by adhering to hybrid work conditions. People can work in shifts or opt to work in the time slot convenient. The facility management has to be agile to meet the requirements of both the employees and the management. It should not happen that workspace, machinery, or equipment is not ready. The year 2023 will see more companies changing hybrid work cultures.

5. Proactive Maintenance

Proactive maintenance practices must be induced by all the firms. The facility manager has an undeniable role in ensuring that the team is following proactive maintenance practices.

6. Digitized Facility Management Services

Both the company and the employees must have access to digitized facility management services. A proper channel of communication and transparent setup is vital for meeting this objective. Companies are slowly, but steadily, shifting to this functioning methodology. Facility management courses in Dubai have included this in the syllabus.

7. Sustainability

Every entity eyeing optimal growth must incorporate futuristic concepts. Otherwise, let alone growth, even sustainability would become difficult. The methods chosen must be helpful for meeting the production and business requirements cost-effectively.

8. Upskilling of the Team

Every sector necessitates constant learning and integration of the latest techniques. Companies are also considering this possibility seriously. Many firms have turned to upskilling their employees instead of hiring or recruiting manpower. Upskilling is crucial for remaining in competition in this highly competitive world. For the same reason, we suggest aspirants join only proficient academies for facility management courses in Dubai. No use in undergoing a facility management course that follows an obsolete syllabus.

Do you have any queries regarding the facility management course in Dubai?

We can help you. Call us now.

A Quick Facility Management Guide for Beginners

This quick Facility Management (FM) guide for beginners is intended for giving you an overview of the field. It would be useful for those who want to explore this promising field or firms looking to implement facility management divisions. At the same time, facility management courses in Dubai would be important if you want to take up a job in the sector.

Let’s begin the topic with the basic thing, what is facility management?

Facility management is the division that looks after the complete maintenance, servicing, and day-to-day requirements of an organization. The facility manager or the facility management team is responsible for monitoring and handling everything including servicing of equipment, maintenance of defective items, monitoring of workforce and assigning them with duties, administrative support to the company, and maintaining the record of employees under him/ her.

The facility manager would focus on improving the productivity of the team, ensuring the premises are well kept and all the hygienic conditions are properly monitored. Facility management courses in Dubai would train and educate the subtle elements and theories of facility management. It would enable the aspirants to shoulder responsibilities that would offer a prospective career path.

Why Facility Management is Important?

Facility Management creates an atmosphere conducive to functioning. The employees from different departments in the organization can work without bothering about the servicing and maintenance of the components. They simply have to report the defect if any equipment or accessory becomes defective prematurely.

FM would help the company to present itself in the best light to the client. A properly maintained and tidy office, where everything happens in clockwork precision, gains instant acceptance from the customers. It simply reflects how optimistic and productive the company is.

The facility manager is instrumental in improving the productivity of the employees as well as the trouble-free functioning of the firm. In fact, the facility management courses in Dubai and other regions train the students to calculate, observe and manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

Facility Management: A Constantly Evolving Field

The effect of digitization is evident in the field of facility management as well. It has been constantly evolving for years. The integration of a software-based management system is the latest factor that enhanced the FM field.

Standardization of FM practices is undertaken based on directives and policies from approved international bodies. Even the facility management course in Dubai and other locations are also based on the curriculum determined by such organizations. Some of them are:

  • The International Facility Management Association of IFMA
  • The International Standards Organization (ISO)
  • The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM)

These organizations’ contributions are the key factors in deciding the amendments in the facility management courses as well as in the functioning of the FM team.

The Qualities Expected of a Facility Manager

A facility manager is supposed to have some skills and qualities that are vital for disbursing his or her duties effectively.

  • Leadership traits
  • Time, space, and man management skills
  • Decision making
  • Problem-solving
  • Quality control skills
  • Project management tact
  • Risk identification and risk management
  • Communication skills 

The facility management course in Dubai offered by Your Own is aimed at instilling all these qualities in the candidates. Perfect coaching at our academy would enable the aspirants to shoulder greater responsibilities and perform well on the job. Opening their way for better performance and career growth.

Want to work in Facility Management? Know your certifications

A Facility Manager is a responsible position for handling multiple tasks simultaneously. He or she will have all the data regarding systems, equipment, workforce, and facilities. Working in association with the management, the FM will help plan, develop, promulgate and monitor several activities. Pursuing a facility management course in Dubai is the first step toward joining this career.

Steps for Becoming a Facility Manager

Facility management courses in Dubai are essential for shaping your career. Obtaining qualifications from a reputed educational institution can elevate your chances of getting selected by renowned firms and multinational companies.

The steps for becoming a successful facility manager include:

Graduation Relevant to the Field: You cannot pinpoint a specific bachelor’s degree program for facility management. The job requires you to have diverse managerial capabilities. Man management, time management, and material management are a few of the necessary skills that would help you perform better. Accordingly, the suitable degree programs for a facility manager include accounting, business administration, and operation management.

Choose the Training Module: Specialised facility management sectors necessitate specific training. Choose the training module depending on the job profile you seek. Professional teachers at academies offering facility management courses in Dubai can guide you in this regard.

Get the Apt Certification: Certification courses are available with task-oriented coaching. Sustainability within the workplace, facility management supervisor, and overall facility management facilitator is the commonly chosen certifications. The certifications offered by the facility management course in Dubai include:

  • Facility Management Certified Professional Program: The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) also offers this highly valued certification program. The facility management professional certificate program has a comprehensive curriculum for instilling knowledge of various facility management aspects. Highly valued and recognized across the globe, the certification can get you a job in top organizations. The aspirants with the requisite education qualification can join this course.
  • Certified Facility Manager Credential: Certified facility manager credential provides in-depth knowledge and learning experience to professionals. Comprising industry-standard topics, this coaching program assesses the person’s skills and knowledge. And imparts knowledge on core concepts and vital fields. General management, risk assessment, and management, planning and promulgation, formulation of methodologies, etc are included in this program. With the digital and physical badges and certificates the course offers, the aspirant can boost the chances of career growth.
  • Sustainability Facility Professional Certificate Program: This is another facility management course in Dubai. The IFMA certification course imparts knowledge on workplace sustainability aspects. By undergoing this course, the professional would become extremely capable facility managers to introduce novel methodologies, working practices, and managerial techniques.

How to Become a Successful Facility Manager?

Facility management is a career that promises decent pay and perks. Only able personnel with optimistic traits and managerial skills can perform well in this job. Professional educational institutions providing facility management courses in Dubai can help you earn the knowledge, skill, and capabilities for becoming successful in this field.

The traits a facility manager must have are:

  • Man, material, and time management: You will be handling multiple jobs simultaneously. Limited manpower, time constraints, and material shortage impede the smooth functioning at times. Only a person with management skills would be able to handle such scenarios.
  • Stress management: Managing stress and remaining cool and composed is of paramount importance to becoming a successful facility manager. Practice methods to control your emotions even while encountering unforeseen scenarios. 
  • Leadership: A facility manager is the leader of a large team. S/he must guide, motivate and lead the team. No one likes a demotivated leader. Your success lies in your capability to remain positive always.

Do you think you can become a successful facility manager? For more info on the facility management courses in Dubai, contact us now.