Want to work in Facility Management? Know your certifications

A Facility Manager is a responsible position for handling multiple tasks simultaneously. He or she will have all the data regarding systems, equipment, workforce, and facilities. Working in association with the management, the FM will help plan, develop, promulgate and monitor several activities. Pursuing a facility management course in Dubai is the first step toward joining this career.

Steps for Becoming a Facility Manager

Facility management courses in Dubai are essential for shaping your career. Obtaining qualifications from a reputed educational institution can elevate your chances of getting selected by renowned firms and multinational companies.

The steps for becoming a successful facility manager include:

Graduation Relevant to the Field: You cannot pinpoint a specific bachelor’s degree program for facility management. The job requires you to have diverse managerial capabilities. Man management, time management, and material management are a few of the necessary skills that would help you perform better. Accordingly, the suitable degree programs for a facility manager include accounting, business administration, and operation management.

Choose the Training Module: Specialised facility management sectors necessitate specific training. Choose the training module depending on the job profile you seek. Professional teachers at academies offering facility management courses in Dubai can guide you in this regard.

Get the Apt Certification: Certification courses are available with task-oriented coaching. Sustainability within the workplace, facility management supervisor, and overall facility management facilitator is the commonly chosen certifications. The certifications offered by the facility management course in Dubai include:

  • Facility Management Certified Professional Program: The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) also offers this highly valued certification program. The facility management professional certificate program has a comprehensive curriculum for instilling knowledge of various facility management aspects. Highly valued and recognized across the globe, the certification can get you a job in top organizations. The aspirants with the requisite education qualification can join this course.
  • Certified Facility Manager Credential: Certified facility manager credential provides in-depth knowledge and learning experience to professionals. Comprising industry-standard topics, this coaching program assesses the person’s skills and knowledge. And imparts knowledge on core concepts and vital fields. General management, risk assessment, and management, planning and promulgation, formulation of methodologies, etc are included in this program. With the digital and physical badges and certificates the course offers, the aspirant can boost the chances of career growth.
  • Sustainability Facility Professional Certificate Program: This is another facility management course in Dubai. The IFMA certification course imparts knowledge on workplace sustainability aspects. By undergoing this course, the professional would become extremely capable facility managers to introduce novel methodologies, working practices, and managerial techniques.

How to Become a Successful Facility Manager?

Facility management is a career that promises decent pay and perks. Only able personnel with optimistic traits and managerial skills can perform well in this job. Professional educational institutions providing facility management courses in Dubai can help you earn the knowledge, skill, and capabilities for becoming successful in this field.

The traits a facility manager must have are:

  • Man, material, and time management: You will be handling multiple jobs simultaneously. Limited manpower, time constraints, and material shortage impede the smooth functioning at times. Only a person with management skills would be able to handle such scenarios.
  • Stress management: Managing stress and remaining cool and composed is of paramount importance to becoming a successful facility manager. Practice methods to control your emotions even while encountering unforeseen scenarios. 
  • Leadership: A facility manager is the leader of a large team. S/he must guide, motivate and lead the team. No one likes a demotivated leader. Your success lies in your capability to remain positive always.

Do you think you can become a successful facility manager? For more info on the facility management courses in Dubai, contact us now.

5 ways to start your cabin crew career

The cabin crew is a member in the commercial flight posted for duties including ushering the passengers to their seats, serving the passengers, guiding them in case of an emergency, handling situations responsibly, offering first aid in case of a medical emergency, and assisting the pilots if needed. Having higher salary packages and other financial as well as personal benefits, cabin crew jobs are highly opted for by youngsters around the globe.

Here we are discussing 5 ways to start your cabin crew career. Before that, let’s see the cabin crew positions or job portfolios.

  • Purser – Purser is the chief flight attendant on board an aircraft. he or she would oversee all the activities, supervise other crew members and complete the reports as required.
  • Flight Attendant – Flight attendants are also called stewards. They are responsible for taking care of the customers and serving them.
  • Chef Onboard – A chef would be available onboard the long-distance aircraft to prepare the passengers’ food.

Ways to Start Your Cabin Crew Job

We suggest you have a clear idea about the job, the effort you might have to put in, etc. before deciding upon this. The five ways to start your cabin crew career are described subsequently.

#1.      Research About the Cabin Crew Job

It would be wise to discuss this with counselors or experienced professionals regarding the career. Only those persons, who have inside knowledge about this, would be able to provide you with real insights. Inquiring us or any other providing cabin crew course in Dubai would be useful in getting adequate info regarding the educational qualifications, career opportunities, benefits, concerns, and so on.

#2.    Training and Experience in Customer Service

You are supposed to have the talent to communicate properly, interpersonal skills, knowledge of negotiation tact, conflict resolution capability, and leadership traits. Training and guidance from approved academies would help you instill these qualities. Still, you must know that you may face unforeseen situations wherein you may have to mediate between persons, control the passengers, act as a leader, etc. All these while working under pressure.

#3.    Join a School or Flight Attendant Academy

Join a flight attendant academy or flight attendant school to gain knowledge and insight regarding the job. All the aspects of a cabin crew including the duties to be performed, aircraft types, first-aid measures, handling food, etc. would be taught. On-the-job training is also provided by some flight attendant schools, offering cabin crew courses in Dubai, which would be effective in improving confidence.

#4.    Obtain the Qualifications

Age and educational qualifications are not the only eligibility criteria for getting a cabin crew job. Of course, the cabin crew course in Dubai can enhance your chances of being selected. Still, for this highly responsible job, the candidate’s age, educational qualification, background, and physical conditions would be examined. The person would be selected only if he or she ticks all the boxes.

#5.      Application Photos Must be Proper

You must submit application photos that are shot per the prescribed specs. Read the instructions carefully and take the photo accordingly. You must have a professional appearance in the photographs shared. It is better to use a professional photographer. The photos should be in the specified format and the file size stated.

Once you have complied with all the above, you must prepare an outstanding resume that states why you must be considered for the cabin crew job. It is better if you avoid exaggeration or untrue things in the resume.

You may reach out to us to knowing more about cabin crew courses in Dubai.

The scope of AML certification like CAMS in the bullion market

Money laundering has always been existing. People searched for means and ways to avoid paying taxes and converting wealth amassed illegally into legal. It has become more advanced with digital technology available. Unheard-of methods are now being used by miscreants for money laundering. Making anti-money laundering a necessity of present times. Consequently, CAMS training and CAMS certification courses have become widely popular.

Are you here for knowing more about CAMS certification? Do you want to join a well-paid and prestigious career? Do you have the skill and passion to become an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) specialist?

CAMS courses are the answer if you are one of those aspirants, who are eager to become a specialist in this field. Read on to have more insight into AML.

What is Money Laundering?

As we have stated in the beginning, Money Laundering is the method to make illegal money legal. The person or the firm might have earned the money through dirty means or legally unauthorized transactions. Such funds cannot be reflected in the turnover of the entity. That’s when they turn towards money laundering.

Money laundering is done through three processes. The individual or the company that does this want to show the financial system of the country that the money came through proper means. Confusing the system and authority is the major step in this activity. For this, they would initially introduce the money into the financial structure of the company.

The swindler would undertake several transactions, once the fund is included in the system. Creating a state of ambiguity for those undertaking the audit. It would be an arduous task to identify the foul play in the account. Eventually, the amount is integrated into the legal system. Ensuring that the account and all the transactions appear genuine.

The CAMS expert is supposed to analyze these intricate processes, delve deep into the subtle elements, and identify the misdeed. CAMS training and an exhaustive CAMS certification course would equip you to analyze financial transactions, accounts, and deals.

What is the Scope of AML Certification like CAMS in the Bullion Market?

Every genuine firm needs AML experts in its team. You have a fair chance of getting selected into the elite team if you possess CAMS certification. The detailed CAMS training and renowned CAMS coaching make the qualification a highly accepted one.

  • AML-certified professionals would be the mainstay for the reputation and highly reliable financial data of a firm. Making those with CAMS certification the first choice
  • Knowledge and expertise make the CAMS certified professional ideal for Anti-money Laundering tasks and preventing terrorist funding
  • Proper implementation of regulations and policies for maintaining a transparent financial process
  • CAMS  certification assures at least 20% more payment than an employee without the said qualification

For more info on CAMS training and CAMS courses, do contact us now.

Money laundering has always been existing. People searched for means and ways to avoid paying taxes and converting wealth amassed illegally into legal. It has become more advanced with digital technology available. Unheard-of methods are now being used by miscreants for money laundering. Making anti-money laundering a necessity of present times. Consequently, CAMS training and CAMS certification courses have become widely popular.

Advantages of IATA certification in airline industry jobs?

IATA certification courses have become highly sought after subsequent of the aviation sector globally. The possibility to achieve a promising career at any location around the world is the prime reason behind this phenomenon. We have been the leading institution offering IATA courses in Dubai. It gives us immense pleasure to find our alumna adorning responsible positions at airline companies.

Obtaining an IATA certification can smoothen your journey towards the dream. This qualification will guarantee your knowledge and skill to the employer. Making it easier to get a well-paid job. We suggest you join our IATA course in Dubai if you aspire to fly, in the wings of success.

What are the Advantages Offered by IATA Certification Courses?

Serving on board an aircraft might be your dream. The IATA course is the bridge that would connect you with this ambition. Making it come true. At the same time, it is not the only job option available in the aviation industry. An amalgamation of sectors including air travel, tourism, ticketing, air catering, ground handling, and cruise operations, it employs millions of professionals at airports, airplanes, and associated divisions.

Many advantages are offered by IATA courses in Dubai. To put it simply, IATA certification can take you to places and elevate your life to the next level:

  • The IATA course would educate you on all the concepts and theories related to aviation. With a detailed and thorough knowledge of everything related to your job, the aviation sector, and management aspects, you would be able to perform well.
  • Having exhaustive knowledge and training in the relevant field, you will receive an impressive salary package from the initial period itself. The payment would be higher than those without IATA certification.
  • Recognized in almost all the countries in the world, it will not be difficult to find a career in the country of your choice. The IATA certification would act as your technical address, stating the knowledge you possess.
  • Most of the job applications would ask for IATA qualification. Therefore, it is the right choice to join  IATA courses in Dubai.
  • The placement of candidates with IATA qualifications is much higher than those without the same.
  • The course ensures that you have all the ideas and information about your field. And the practical knowledge to perform the duty in the best possible way.

Things to Check While Joining IATA Courses in Dubai

You would find several institutions offering IATA training and IATA courses in Dubai. IATA certification is a very valued one and you should undergo proper coaching to acquire one. Therefore, it is vital to join only an approved educational institution for the IATA certification course.

Before you join:

  • Confirm about the course provided
  • Examine the experience of the institution
  • Check the placement percentage in the previous years
  • Discuss in detail the course with the team

Do not hesitate to contact us for clarification related to the IATA certification course. Call us to discuss more IATA courses in Dubai.