Why Become a CMA: 5 Tangible Benefits for Your Accounting Career

A Certified Management Accountant (CMA) is a professional with in-depth knowledge of the intricate elements of accounting. Their versatility and expertise offer phenomenal benefits to the organization. That is why most of the companies prefer candidates with CMA certification in Dubai. It is important to undergo the CMA course at a proficient academy. For that is not a simple thing to qualify this specialized course.

A sea of opportunities awaits those who have qualified for the CMA courses in Dubai. Some of the career options available for CMA-qualified candidates are:

  • Senior Accountant
  • Accounts Controller
  • Budget Analyst and Planner
  • Financial Officer
  • Auditor
  • Chief Financial Controller
  • Chief Finance Officer
  • Treasure
  • Chief Accountant

5 Benefits of Becoming a CMA

Let’s see the top 5 benefits of becoming a CMA:

  1. CMA qualification simply reflects the skill and knowledge you possess. Considered the gold standard in management accounting, the CMA certification will keep you above the other candidates. Having this qualification will ease your entry into the elite business organizations in the world.
  2. The qualification you earn with the CMA course will enable you to earn a job anywhere in the world. Earlier recognized only by the top entities in the UK and the US, the CMA certification nowadays is recognized by almost all the developed and developing countries. Hence, you will have boundless opportunities once you have earned certification after the CMA course in Dubai.
  3. The CMA certification will offer you high-paying jobs. Income is of paramount importance after all. The initial salary of a CMA-qualified professional itself is higher than a non-qualified one. Expected to be high-performer, the companies offer highly responsible jobs to those with CMA certification in Dubai and other regions around the globe.
  4. Practical skills and a pragmatic attitude make CMA professionals different from others. They know how to go about a specific plan. Instituting corrective measures, to prevent any stalemate or complications. Organizations also know about these characteristics that are ensured by CMA courses in Dubai and other places. This approach is helpful for companies to garner better growth and improve productivity. Instead of getting confused when something unforeseen occurs, the CMA course qualified professionals will brainstorm and find the best way forward.
  5. The CMA course conducted by IMA is comprehensive in nature. It considers all the aspects related to management and accounting. Therefore, the professionals will be able to function both as management experts and accounting professionals. Further, the course is simple and straight for those passionate to qualify without any hassle.

CMA course in Dubai is the right step towards a promising career. You may check out the course details and decide upon joining the course. For more info, you may drop us a message.

UAE Labour Law: 10 facts that you need to know about working in the UAE

The UAE authorities have established an elaborate labor law to ensure a better working environment for the blue-collar and white-collar workforce. With this regulation in force, the employees enjoy a comfortable working and living atmosphere. The UAE labor law training course in Dubai would enlighten you on these factors in detail. We are providing you with a brief on the UAE labor law

1.     Annual Leave is the Right of the Employee

The employees in UAE have the right to ask for annual leave as promulgated by the authority. The holidays stipulated by the UAE are:

  • International New Year
  • Islamic New Year
  •  Eid al Fitr (02 days)
  • Eid al Adha and Arafat Day (04 days)
  •  National Day (02 days)
  • Commemoration day

The number of annual leave authorized for a worker is stipulated. Each employee can ask for paid leave for the subject number of days. The UAE labor law training course in Dubai would teach you the subtle factors of labor law in the country.

2.     Regular Payment Must be Ensured

All the workers should get the payment regularly. And the payment should be disbursed on the site. The employer should not force the workers to buy the products of the company.

3.     Maternity Leave for Female Employees

Female employees should be offered 45 days of maternity leave. Those not fulfilling the minimum service criteria should be given maternity leave with half pay.

4.     Employer Doesn’t Have the Right to Keep Your Passport in Their Custody

Employers in the UAE are not authorized to keep your passport in their custody. Even if they want to keep it, they should obtain written consent from you.

5.     Visa Costs will be Borne by the Employer

The employer should pay the visa and sponsorship fee. At no point in time, the employing firm should deduct the amount from the employee’s pay.

6.     Stipulated Working Hours

Working hours are limited to eight hours per day or forty-eight hours per week. The working hours per day is nine hours per day for some specific trades, after approval from the authority. UAE labor law training course in Dubai would give you more insight into this.

7.     Resignation is the Employee’s Choice

Resignation would solely depend on the employee’s decision. The employee doesn’t need the employer’s approval from the employer. The employer cannot force the employee to resign.

8.     Complete the Notice Period

The employee must serve the notice period, as agreed during the joining.

9.     Gratuity Entitlement

Even if you have resigned, you are entitled to gratuity.

10.    Grace Period

Post completion of the employment contract or cancellation of your work visa, you will have a thirty days grace period.

UAE Labour Law Training Course in Dubai

Top 10 IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks to get 8 Band score

Scoring an 8-band score in the IELTS exam can amplify your chances of getting selected into renowned abroad universities. Joining us for IELTS training in Dubai can help you imbibe the skills for scoring an excellent grade. Our experienced tutors share exclusive tips that would benefit you in IELTS writing.

Tips and Tricks to Get 8 Band Score in the IELTS Exam

Before we discuss further IELTS writing, let’s look into the structure of the exam. The IELTS training in Dubai would offer you a thorough insight into the exam. Nonetheless, the points elaborated here would provide a brief insight.

The IELTS exam is divided into tasks under Task 1 and Task 2. You must have amply prepared for all 8 types of tasks. To score a band of 8 or 8.5. Task 1 consists of Academic Report Writing or Letter Writing (for general students). Task 2 has Essay Writing. 

  • Improve Your Vocabulary – Reading books and watching English movies are good for improving your vocabulary. It will help you use the right words and create impressive sentences.
  • Sentence Formation – Your answers should contain various types of sentences viz. simple, complex, compound, conditional, etc. Limiting the answers to simple sentences can affect the score.
  • Read the Question Properly – Read and understand the question, before you start answering. Candidates, many a time, go off the topic and elaborate. That may not be fruitful in the IELTS exam. Stick to the question asked and provide the answer.
  • Content Matters – Wide reading will help you generate ideas and concepts. It is beneficial for performing in IELTS writing as well. The flow of information and the correct usage of words is essential.
  • Time Management – Attend mock tests and improve your speed. Further, use time management to answer all the questions properly. Proper planning and preparation are required for effective time management. Our center for IELTS training in Dubai guides and trains students for productive time management in the IELTS exam.
  • Formal Language – Stick to formal language in the IELTS exam. The IELTS writing is for ascertaining your English language proficiency. Hence, it is better to avoid idioms and phrases. Contractions like don’t, can’t, etc and personal pronouns should not be used.
  • Handwriting – You must write in readable handwriting. Difficulty in reading itself can hamper the possibility of scoring high in IELTS writing.

These tips would be helpful in getting an 8-band score on the IELTS exam. IELTS training in Dubai can aid you in understanding the exam thoroughly and preparing well.                                            

IATA Cabin Crew Training Course in Dubai

Are you a dreamer? Do you yearn to travel the world and imbibe the essence of diverse cultures? Are you a go-getter desirous of becoming an integral part of the aviation sector?

Cabin crew courses in Dubai are the right option if “yes” is your answer to the above questions.   IATA course in Dubai is the entryway to this mesmerizing, as well as, rewarding career. We have been offering advanced aviation and cabin crew courses and guiding aspirants to the world of aviation.

It is a highly demanded profession, requiring skills, knowledge, and talent. Our professional tutors will provide you with guidance and coaching that will help you grab a job at the top entities in the aviation sector. 

So, are you ready to leap into growth and prosperity?

Get in touch with us right away to know more about the cabin crew course in Dubai, the qualification requirements, the details of the IATA courses in Dubai, etc. We are offering you a brief intro to the course.

General Info – Cabin Crew Course in Dubai

The curriculum for IATA approved cabin crew course in Dubai would comprise:

  • The airline industry, an overview
  • Extant aviation regulations
  • Airlines organization
  • Topics on air transport, flight operations, and general theories that form the basics of flying
  • Responsibilities and authorities of a cabin crew
  • Organizational structure on board
  • Communication inside an aircraft
  • How to act during an emergency?
  • Management during unforeseen, abnormal, and emergency scenarios
  • Firefighting procedure
  • Cabin evacuation drill
  • Medical emergency procedure
  • Training in medical first aid
  • Training in medical procedures including CPR, AED, and Heimlich Manoeuvre
  • Flight and cabin crew incapacitation
  • Handling and management of dangerous goods
  • Procedure and precautions for transportation of dangerous goods
  • Aircraft security and safety measures
  • Coordination of security methods with ATC and aircrew’
  • Handling unruly passengers who may turn into a threat to co-passengers or to the aircraft
  • Controlling unlawful acts of people on board
  • Interaction with passengers
  • Communicating positively and creating an air of positivity
  • Organizing aircraft catering
  • Marketing products in an optimistic manner
  • Serving meals on board
  • Professional development
  • Key aspects for career growth
  • Detailed knowledge of cabin crews’ origin, evolution, and the latest pursued practices

The comprehensive IATA courses in Dubai would ensure that you are capable of serving the airline and the clients efficiently. Nonetheless, it is of utmost importance to pick the right academy for a cabin crew course in Dubai.

To know more about cabin crew courses in Dubai, contact us now.