4 Key strategies to Prepare for Your CMA Exam Day

The CMA exam requires focused preparation and practice. Instead of thinking to study everything by yourself, you must join the CMA course in Dubai at a proven academy. This is the most productive method to perform well in the exam. Here are the 4 key strategies to prepare for the CMA exam.

You are welcome to discuss the strategies, coaching, and preparation methods for CMA with our expert tutors. Offering CMA courses successfully for years, we have been one of the most chosen CMA coaching centers in Dubai.

1. Prepare a timetable for CMA exam preparation

A systematic approach is what distinguishes a successful person from an unsuccessful one. Rather than just studying day and night, you must prepare a CMA preparation schedule. The time allotted for each topic should be based on the importance and difficulty level. Feedback from the tutors providing the CMA course would be useful in identifying the area where you lag.

The preparation schedule should not cause stress to you. Therefore, it has to be prepared with due consideration for relaxation. The timetable may be divided into small segments. Long hours of sitting will make you tired and may cause laziness.

2. Choose the Best Guides and References

Do not go for all the textbooks and references for CMA. It can only add to your confusion. The professional tutors providing CMA courses in Dubai would suggest the right books for the exam. Preparing from those would be ideal for cracking the CMA exam with the best grades.

You may think referring to as many books might be useful. In fact, the confusion elevates when you are surrounded by more books than required. Consequently, you may lose confidence, which might affect your performance in the CMA exam negatively.

3. As many revisions as possible

Beginning the CMA exam preparation at the earliest, undergoing the CMA course meticulously, and completing the studies well before the exam is important. Then only you can expect enough time for revisions. The topics would get cemented into your brain with the revisions. A schedule has to be formulated for revisions as well. That would be of great use for preparing perfectly for the CMA exam.    

4.     Attending mock tests

Mock tests are of paramount importance not only for the CMA exam but also for any competitive exam. It would give a clear idea about the real exam. You can prepare the exam strategy with the help of expert tutors offering CMA courses in Dubai. Thus, improving the performance during the exam phenomenally.

Moreover, mock tests would enhance confidence. Many a time, the candidates go down in performance owing to the tension and fear of failure. Mock tests are mandatory are a must for overcoming such issues.

The Tail End

CMA exam preparation needs a systematic approach, supported by proficient teachers. You can expect a massive difference when the specialized tutors are mentoring, guiding, and supporting you. We would suggest you reach out to Your Own to knowing more about the CMA exam, CMA courses, and other related aspects. We would be happy to support you with the right guidance.

To discuss more regarding the CMA exam and joining the CMA course in Dubai, call us now.

Importance of supply chain management that helps business to grow in 2023

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the life and soul of logistics and transportation companies. They cannot compete in the sector, or even survive, without rendering seamless supply. Passionate and knowledgeable professionals are the core behind a successful logistics firm. Therefore, qualified individuals have extensive career prospects in this industry. A logistics and supply chain management course is the first step for entering this highly rewarding career path.

How Supply Chain Management Helps Business to grow in 2023?

SCM is the key element that connects a business with its suppliers as well as customers. Imagine the scenario wherein you are unable to deliver the goods in the promised time. Or recurrent delays are happening in the supply of products. The client would think of alternatives. Resulting in the loss of business that may lead to the closing down of the company.

Let’s see how all supply chain management helps businesses to grow.

  • Enhanced Efficiency – Supply Chain Management is a complex process that explores multiple methodologies including digital technology to deliver the best result. This is significant for business growth. Logistics and supply chain management courses would educate the students on such aspects and make them efficient enough to perform their duties.
  • Increased Profit – Reduced expenses mean increased profit. Companies worldwide constantly look for cost-effective techniques that would aid them in extending optimum services at reduced expenditure. SCM is the key element in this regard.
  • Alleviate Risks – SCM’s objective is not only to maintain the supply chain but also to alleviate possible risks. A professional with SCM knowledge would be having a comprehensive view of the logistics system. In fact, a logistics and supply chain management course would comprise all such topics. The qualified professionals would implement measures to alleviate risks and ensure constant growth.
  • Strong Client Relations – A healthy supply chain system would concrete the confidence the client has in the service provider. The logistics company would constantly get orders with this strong client relationship. Moreover, the word-of-the-mouth publicity generated through this would be instrumental in business growth.
  • Improved Credibility – Credibility and reputation are earned through consistent performance. A company cannot expect to have a prominent identity unless they maintain a reliable service record. Proper supply chain management would be a significant factor in establishing credibility thereby aiding the business to grow in 2023.
  • Agile Decisions – Quick decisions are vital in this pacey world. Any delay can reduce the chances of growth and success. Agile decision-making has become one of the main traits of a leader nowadays. The swift response and corrective measures can guide the business toward constant growth. In the case of the logistics industry, the logistics and supply chain management courses induce the quality of agility in the students. So that they can perform their best while on the job.

Supply Chain Management is the mainstay of a company. The strength and sustenance of an entity rest mainly on how it meets client requirements and how reliable they are. No firm can maintain a trusted relationship with a client if they fail to ensure a seamless SCM. Professionals with apt qualifications like logistics and supply chain management courses are instrumental in keeping supply chain management intact. 

How do I start a career in UAE Corporate Tax Sector?

Tax is the main source of income for any country. Exactly for this reason, tax regulations are strict and constantly evolving in every corner of the world. With new sources of finance being introduced, countries implement amended tax policies. Tax evaluation and tax filing in the commercial and business world is a complex activity. Requiring knowledgeable professionals to properly and promptly undertake the necessary tasks. This has led to many job opportunities and resulted in academies offering UAE corporate tax training in Dubai.

The simple answer to the question, of how do I start a career in the UAE corporate tax sector, is to join coaching and obtain certification. At the same time, enrolling in any coaching program at any of the centers may not fetch you the result you expect. Only an experienced professional academy like Your Own can render you with exclusively formulated UAE corporate tax training in Dubai. Reach out to us or visit us today to know more about the opportunities that await you in the corporate tax sector.

Why Should You Join Corporate Tax Training in Dubai?

Many reasons make it a prospective way forward to join corporate tax training in Dubai. A few of them are listed here:

  • An investor-friendly business destination, Dubai is home to numerous firms including multi-national giants.
  • Tax regulations are followed strictly by the Federal Tax Agency (FTA). Any firm or individual not paying taxes properly can be penalized as per federal laws. Therefore, every entity needs a proficient tax consultant. Only a person with adequate knowledge through UAE corporate tax training in Dubai can do the needful.
  • As per the latest amendment to tax policy, which would come into force from 01st June 2023, companies and businesses have to pay a federal corporate tax of 9%. Therefore, a majority of the entities would require trained professionals in UAE corporate tax.

All these factors point to the same thing; those with proven qualifications based on UAE corporate tax training in Dubai have extensive job prospects.

Job Opportunities Post Implementation of Corporate Tax Regulations in June 2023

Tax consultation is a prominent career sector in Dubai/ UAE already. This would only go up subsequent to the incorporation of the new tax regime. The job opportunities a candidate with UAE corporate tax training in Dubai can expect are:

  • Corporate tax consultants in Dubai
  • Finance experts, advising companies and corporates on approved methodologies for reducing tax liabilities
  • Freelance tax consultation services
  • Tax Professional in the accounting team of the entity
  • Auditing experts with knowledge of tax-related evaluations

How to Start a Career in Corporate Tax Sector

Knowledge, skills, and experience are the keys to starting and succeeding in the corporate tax sector. Qualification is the main aspect that would get you into a career in the field. The steps for becoming a successful corporate tax consultant include:

  • Joining UAE corporate tax training in Dubai at an approved academy  
  • Obtaining the corporate tax consultant qualification
  • Undergoing UAE corporate tax practical training in Dubai under a tax specialist
  • Internship in any of the renowned institutions

The Tail End

Now is the right time to join UAE corporate tax training in Dubai. You can complete the course and get the certification by the time the new corporate tax comes into force. Although the course can be considered at any time, it is always good to be the first one with ample knowledge of the subject matter. Since it is a new implementation, there could be teething troubles and ambiguities while the new regulation is being adhered to. Resolving those would help you gain more experience, and to become an expert in the field. Further elevating your career growth.

To know more concerning UAE corporate tax training in Dubai, call us now. 

8 Things you need to know about IATA courses!

IATA courses are the entryway to joining the prospective aviation sector. The top authority accredited by numerous aviation firms IATA has been the number one in the field. Established in 1945, it has over 280 member airlines and aviation firms on board. All the courses offered by the agency are ISO certified and recognized across the world. Joining IATA courses in Dubai is the best step forward for a progressive life.

We are listing here the 8 things you need to know about IATA courses.  It would be helpful for you to take a decision on whether to enroll in an IATA course in Dubai or not.

#1. IATA is the major shareholder in air traffic

You may be surprised to know that IATA has a lion’s share in world air traffic. The organization has well above 80% representation, achieved through the 280+ airlines from countries around the globe. This widespread association keeps IATA ahead of others in information gathering, course curriculum enhancements according to varying concepts, and implementation of advanced coaching methods. Consequently, IATA courses in Dubai and other places offer a trained and knowledgeable workforce for the aviation industry.

#2. The maximum students, course programs, and diplomas

IATA touches every spectrum of the flight sector. Beginning from ground handling and air ticketing to aircrew education and training. The availability of such a large number of courses and diplomas makes IATA courses ideal for every type of aspirant thinking of joining the airline industry. There are more than 350 courses and about 50 diplomas offered by IATA. They are able to educate, train, and qualify well above 1 lakh students every year. The majority of qualified professionals are able to find jobs in the aviation sector.

#3. Desirable salary package

Salary and allowances are the first thing most of the aspirants check out. The airline industry has been one of the most paid sectors for decades. Perhaps, it has been the prime factor attracting candidates to IATA courses in Dubai and elsewhere. The job opportunities including ground support team members, air ticketing staff, airline customer support, ticketing agent, travel agency, aircrew, and so on assure enviable salaries, compared to almost all the other fields.

#4. No need for big academic qualifications

You can join the IATA courses in Dubai if you have qualified 10+2. Decent English language skills and a fair understanding of geography are pluses for completing the course successfully. Leading aviation academies like ours offer meticulous education and training for making you successful. By pursuing the IATA curriculum methodically. We have also formulated exclusive pedagogical techniques to ensure the best result.

#5. IATA topics

IATA courses comprise a number of topics, chosen to improve the skills and knowledge of the candidate. The topics include:

  • World Geography
  • IATA city codes
  • Airline ticketing
  • Flight booking and creation of PNR
  • Facility management
  • Customer relationship·        
  • Itinerary planning and preparation

#6. Secured Digital Award (SDA)

Gone are the days when printed certificates are awarded by IATA. The agency has embraced digitization, moving with time, in every aspect. Secured Digital Award (SDA), which could be printed by the individual is awarded nowadays. The certificates are secured by blockchain technology to prevent any misuse.

#7. Specially designed courses

Each of the IATA courses is designed by veterans from the sector. Besides offering an in-depth understanding of the concepts, the topics derived from the experience of the experts are also included. Therefore, a candidate with IATA certification would be capable of shouldering the responsibility easily.

#8. Online IATA courses in Dubai

IATA courses are offered online as well, for those who are unable to attend the classes at the coaching center. The specially designed online classes by Your Own will be advantageous for those wishing to join the airline industry.

For more info regarding IATA courses in Dubai, contact us now.

IELTS Preparation: Key facts for test day

The IELTS test is not an easy challenge to clear. Perseverance, determination, and confidence are key to obtaining excellent grades, i.e. grade of above 7 band score in the exam. IELTS preparation under professional tutors is crucial for cracking the IELTS exam with the best grade. Many students face unbearable stress and tension owing to the complexity of the test. It would be great to undergo IELTS training in Dubai at a proven academy like Your Own. Explained in this blog are the key facts you should know for the IELTS exam day. 

#1. Admission to the IELTS Test

Identification documentation has to be produced for admission to the test. The document produced must be the same one that was uploaded while applying for the IELTS exam. Your IELTS preparation would be wasted if you fail to get admission for the test. Remember that you must use the same identity document on both written and speaking test days. Carry two passport-size photographs (if applicable as per the test documentation).

#2. Eraser, Pen, and Pencil for the IELTS Exam

The stationery, viz. pen, pencil, and eraser you can carry for the IELTS test would depend on the mode of exam i.e. online exam or pen and paper exam. For the offline (paper-based) IELTS exam, the listening and reading exam sessions must be attended with a Pencil. Do NOT do the mistake of using a pen for the exam. It will fetch you “zero” marks as the machine is not programmed to read ink markings. Proper IELTS training, in Dubai, would help you familiarize yourself with the exam procedure.

#3. Do Not Arrive At The Last Moment

At least a few students are habituated to starting for the exam at the last moment. They would hurry through the traffic and arrive at the center when the IELTS exam is about to begin. This can impact your performance even if you have undertaken meticulous IELTS preparation. Sufficient time should be there to calm down, relax, and arrange yourself for the test.

#4. Every Minute is Precious

The value of time is the first thing taught during IELTS training in Dubai. Explore every minute you are allotted with. Avoid getting distracted during the IELTS exam. Focus on the test and put up your best. Practicing concentration improvement methods might be helpful. Other methods for improving attentiveness and thereby the IELTS test score is to undergo enough practice sessions and mock tests.

What are the Dos and Don’ts During IELTS Exam?

IELTS preparation under experts offering IELTS training in Dubai is the first step towards the best performance. Even then, you may get disqualified or fail the IELTS exam if the directives are not followed properly. A few of the dos and don’ts during the IELTS test are:

  • Do Not forget to switch off your mobile phone before entering the exam hall. Candidates, many a time, miss out on this, especially when they reach the exam center at the last minute. A phone, a ring in the mobile, can lead to your disqualification.
  • Do not leave until directed by the invigilators. You must remain seated even if you have completed all the questions and are ready to go. 
  • There are limitations on what you can ask the invigilator. You must know what you are permitted to ask the invigilator. At times, you may not be able to hear the listening audio properly. Know what to ask the invigilator in such a situation. All these aspects are taught during IELTS training in Dubai. Hence, you may not worry about those.
  • Invigilators are not there for clarifying your doubts. Do not ask him or her even when you fail to understand the question. You must listen to the questions carefully to answer those correctly, without any doubts.

Do you want to know more about the IELTS exam and IELTS training in Dubai?

Call us now.