The Role of IELTS Training in Enhancing Communication Skills.

The International English Language Testing System or IELTS is a globally accepted evaluation process for checking the English language proficiency of candidates. It is conducted mainly for applicants from non-English speaking countries applying for jobs, higher education, etc. Speaking test is one of the segments included in IELTS. Those appearing for the IELTS exam should be able to speak fluently, using the correct pronunciation, and appropriate words.

Speaking tests, as part of the IELTS exam, comprise three sections. It is too difficult to score well to excellent grades without proper IELTS preparation. Especially in the speaking test. Coaching under experts at renowned academies offering IELTS training in Dubai is the only way to prepare meticulously. Undertaken to scrutinize English proficiency, the IELTS exam has an all-encompassing testing process. The proper IELTS training in Dubai would enhance the communication skills of the individual. Consequently, he or she will be able to speak to anyone in English confidently, and with clarity. The flow of thoughts and information would be precise with proper pronunciation.

How IELTS Training Helps in Improving Communication Skills.

Speaking test is an important segment of the IELTS exam. The candidate must have a proper hold of the English language to perform well during this test. The IELTS speaking test has three parts. Those are:

  • Part 1 of IELTS Speaking Test: Part 1 of the IELTS speaking test lasts 4 to 5 minutes. This is the simplest part of the test. The examiner will be asking about the individual, his or her details, and general questions to assess the basic language skills.
  • Part 2 of IELTS Speaking Test: The candidate should speak on a random topic in this test. The overall duration of Part 2 of the speaking test of the IELTS exam is 3 to 4 minutes. The candidate will pick a card from the set of cards offered. He or she will have a minute for preparing for the topic mentioned in the card. The individual should speak on the topic for about 2 minutes. The top academies providing IELTS training in Dubai will prepare the student to speak fluently on several diverse topics. Thus improving the skills and capability. So that he or she can talk on any subject, even if unaware of the same.
  • Part 3 of IELTS Speaking Test: Part 3 of the speaking test is a continuation of the part and it is of 3 to 4 minutes duration. The examiner will ask questions based on the topic on which the candidate spoke in Part 2 of the speaking test. This section is tougher than the previous two.

Now imagine the effort one must put in and the preparation to be undertaken, for the IELTS preparation. The language of the person preparing for the IELTS exam will automatically improve. At the same time, it is important to choose a leading academy like Your Own for IELTS training in Dubai. Systematic IELTS coaching under expert tutors is essential for scoring an excellent grade.

From the moment a person joins IELTS training in Dubai, he or she will be under constant guidance from the IELTS teachers. In addition to standards IELTS coaching, scheduled examination, and random assessments, there would be additional suggestions. The suggestions from IELTS tutors in Dubai would include:

  • Reading: The aspirant appearing for the IELTS exam would be directed to read English newspapers really. Besides that, the tutors will suggest English books, magazines, and other journals. This would improve language skills, knowledge about current affairs, grasping power, and word power.
  • Watching: Watching English movies is another method suggested for IELTS aspirants. This would not only help in enhancing pronunciation, help the individual to follow and understand the conversation, and aid in communicating concepts easier than before.
  • Talking: All the students will be asked to communicate in English only. IELTS training in Dubai would be more effective if all the candidates converse with each other in English, instead of their mother tongue.

These all improve the communication skills of the persons undergoing IELTS exam preparation. Therefore, IELTS preparation will not just help in qualifying for the exam but will be helpful in life as well.

To join IELTS training in Dubai, do connect with us now.

IELTS Test Preparation: How to know your Strengths and Weaknesses?

Scoring a grade of 7+ in the IELTS exam necessitates methodical preparation, along with an optimistic attitude. Studying and memorizing will not be sufficient when it comes to this intricate exam. IELTS preparation you undergo must be a systematic one with a focus on the core elements. Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses can make way for a productive IELTS exam preparation.

The academies that provide IELTS training in Dubai are supposed to look into this aspect. They should assess each student and evaluate his or her capabilities. Just providing a generic training program may not be enough. By rendering tailored IELTS training in Dubai and proper feedback for ensuring improvement, Your Own became one of the most successful IELTS coaching centers in Dubai.

How to Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

Finding one’s strengths and weaknesses is not an easy task. As we would be blind to our flaws most of the time. Especially in the case of the IELTS exam. A general presumption on this may not be correct most of the time. A definite assessment is necessary for productive IELTS preparation. Of course, experienced teachers offering IELTS preparation in Dubai can help with recognizing your strong areas and flaws. You may also try to find the strengths and flaws.

1. Sit, relax, and contemplate how your mind feels about the IELTS exam. How was your approach during IELTS preparation? Were you concerned during the preparation of any of the specific sections? Did you feel confident with any of the areas?

The test sections in which you felt concerned are your weak areas. And in which you felt confident are your strengths. This is the generic analysis you can derive.

2. What is your score on the practice tests? The score during the practice sessions and mock tests can be considered a tool for identifying strengths and weaknesses. The coaching centers providing IELTS coaching, Dubai also use this as a yardstick to formulate further coaching of the student.

If the performance is down due to a lack of enough IELTS preparation, you may attempt a mock test after sufficient preparation next time. The grades are low even after necessary preparation, it means just only one thing; you are weak in that section.

3. Is the IELTS preparation going smoothly? Is any particular test of the IELTS exam worrying you more than the others? Are you disinterested in the preparation of a specific test section (s)? Students lack interest in the subject or test section when he or she is weak in that one.

Hence, this is a direct indication of your weakness. Allocating more time to the preparation of that section would be highly effective. Furthermore, you may discuss the issue with the tutors providing IELTS training in Dubai. They can offer tips and tricks to overcome this dilemma.

How to Go Ahead About IELTS Preparation?

The IELTS exam comprises four tests viz. IELTS Speaking, IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, and IELTS Listening. The exam is formulated in such a way as to evaluate the English proficiency of the candidate meticulously. Therefore, memorizing things will not be effective, if you are desiring to score a grade above 7.

The methods you can use for the preparation of each section of the IELTS exam are:

 IELTS Speaking: A person’s confidence and language proficiency are reflected in the way he or she speaks. The IELTS speaking test is for analyzing how fluently the individual can converse and how efficiently the person can convey ideas. The methods for IELTS speaking test preparation include:

  •  Improve word power by reading more English books, listening to conversations, etc.
  • Prepare by talking in front of a mirror. Avoid unwanted body language that may come up while speaking.
  • Guidance during IELTS training in Dubai would be helpful for improving English speaking skills.

IELTS Writing: IELTS Writing test necessitates you to prepare by writing more and more. The flow of information and the way ideas are shared are important. The known IELTS training centers in Dubai use exclusive methods for IELTS writing test preparation.

  • Write more on different topics 
  • Practice writing tests as much as possible

IELTS Reading: Fast reading can help you in scoring well on the reading test in the IELTS exam. There are no ways, other than reading more and more, for preparing for this test.

  •  Read more and grasp ideas with a single reading
  • Read on different subjects

IELTS Listening: IELTS listening can be improved by watching more English movies and shows, and undergoing methodical IELTS training, Dubai.

  • Try to understand the core concept discussed
  • Make a mental note of important points
  • Practice listening more

For more help on IELTS exam preparation, contact us now.

Instantly Boost Your IELTS Listening Score: 6 Expert Tips

The IELTS listening test is aimed at assessing the candidate’s capability to understand things by listening. A person living in an English-speaking country needs to converse with people fluently and be able to comprehend things. It is also a vital quality required to follow classroom lectures. Hence, the IELTS listening test is of paramount importance. Meticulous IELTS preparation is required to ensure the best score in IELTS listening.

Your Own IELTS training in Dubai follows an exclusively designed coaching process for IELTS listening test preparation. Our training intends to instill ample knowledge and skill to understand the concepts being discussed or the topic being narrated. We are enlisting 6 expert tips here that would be useful for you in IELTS preparation, especially for IELTS listening. You might enroll in our IELTS training, in Dubai if you are aspiring to score the best grade in IELTS.

Expert Tips to Enhance IELTS Listening Score

As you have understood the main objective of the IELTS listening test, it would be easy to derive the right approach. It would be great if you can get guidance from professional institutions like Your Own offering exceptional IELTS training in Dubai.

Tip #1. Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format

This is the basic thing. You must know how the competition is, how strong is the opponent, and which way he or she is going to trouble you. Before entering a challenge or competition. The IELTS examination is definitely not for troubling you. But, only those with adequate training and IELTS preparation can expect the best grade. Scoring a lower grade in the IELTS is not acceptable, right? Before commencing the IELTS preparation, familiarize yourself with the test format.

Tip #2. Practice Listening to Different Accents

The speaker’s access is the main factor that troubles the candidates. Asians are observed to be the most confused lot, unable to understand the words pronounced in an entirely different accent than they have been hearing. Familiarizing yourself with different accents is essential if you want to boost your IELTS listening score. Leading academics providing IELTS training, Dubai provides discussions, conversations, and audio on diverse topics, by speakers using different accents. Such a practice during IELTS preparation would help the students to get a clear idea about the pronunciation of words and different accents.

Tip #3.  Focus on Understanding the Main Ideas

The questions in the IELTS listening test would be around the main concept or idea discussed in the voice clip. Generating a skill to grasp the main content of the topic and understanding the core perfectly is vital. Then only you can expect a good score on the subject test. Listen to as many tests as possible and practice methodically. IELTS preparation under the guidance of prof professional tutors will help you immensely.

Tip #4. Use Context Clues to Help You Understand

It may not be possible to memorize everything. Only very few become experts in remembering the whole thing discussed by the speaker. Your IELTS preparation must be in such a way that you should be able to use context clues to reach the right answer. Get in touch with Your Own tutors if you need further guidance in this regard. We are proud to be one of the top academies offering IELTS training, in Dubai.

Tip #5. Improve Your Note-taking Skills

You must be fast in writing as well. Listening to the conversation and writing down the points must be done simultaneously. The speaker will not wait for you to complete the writing. Practice during IELTS preparation can help you improve upon this aspect.

Tip #6. Build Your Listening Skills Outside of the Test

Do not limit your IELTS listening preparation to IELTS test topics only. Listen to everything around you. Listen to talks, motivational speeches, lectures on different topics, and so on. It would improve your vocabulary and understanding of different accents.

Your Own – For IELTS Training in Dubai

Your Own follows a systematic IELTS coaching and preparation process. It has been instrumental in ensuring optimal grades for our students. Our specialist IELTS tutors are dedicated to ensuring the best.

We invite you to Your Own for IELTS training in Dubai. 

IELTS Preparation: Key facts for test day

The IELTS test is not an easy challenge to clear. Perseverance, determination, and confidence are key to obtaining excellent grades, i.e. grade of above 7 band score in the exam. IELTS preparation under professional tutors is crucial for cracking the IELTS exam with the best grade. Many students face unbearable stress and tension owing to the complexity of the test. It would be great to undergo IELTS training in Dubai at a proven academy like Your Own. Explained in this blog are the key facts you should know for the IELTS exam day. 

#1. Admission to the IELTS Test

Identification documentation has to be produced for admission to the test. The document produced must be the same one that was uploaded while applying for the IELTS exam. Your IELTS preparation would be wasted if you fail to get admission for the test. Remember that you must use the same identity document on both written and speaking test days. Carry two passport-size photographs (if applicable as per the test documentation).

#2. Eraser, Pen, and Pencil for the IELTS Exam

The stationery, viz. pen, pencil, and eraser you can carry for the IELTS test would depend on the mode of exam i.e. online exam or pen and paper exam. For the offline (paper-based) IELTS exam, the listening and reading exam sessions must be attended with a Pencil. Do NOT do the mistake of using a pen for the exam. It will fetch you “zero” marks as the machine is not programmed to read ink markings. Proper IELTS training, in Dubai, would help you familiarize yourself with the exam procedure.

#3. Do Not Arrive At The Last Moment

At least a few students are habituated to starting for the exam at the last moment. They would hurry through the traffic and arrive at the center when the IELTS exam is about to begin. This can impact your performance even if you have undertaken meticulous IELTS preparation. Sufficient time should be there to calm down, relax, and arrange yourself for the test.

#4. Every Minute is Precious

The value of time is the first thing taught during IELTS training in Dubai. Explore every minute you are allotted with. Avoid getting distracted during the IELTS exam. Focus on the test and put up your best. Practicing concentration improvement methods might be helpful. Other methods for improving attentiveness and thereby the IELTS test score is to undergo enough practice sessions and mock tests.

What are the Dos and Don’ts During IELTS Exam?

IELTS preparation under experts offering IELTS training in Dubai is the first step towards the best performance. Even then, you may get disqualified or fail the IELTS exam if the directives are not followed properly. A few of the dos and don’ts during the IELTS test are:

  • Do Not forget to switch off your mobile phone before entering the exam hall. Candidates, many a time, miss out on this, especially when they reach the exam center at the last minute. A phone, a ring in the mobile, can lead to your disqualification.
  • Do not leave until directed by the invigilators. You must remain seated even if you have completed all the questions and are ready to go. 
  • There are limitations on what you can ask the invigilator. You must know what you are permitted to ask the invigilator. At times, you may not be able to hear the listening audio properly. Know what to ask the invigilator in such a situation. All these aspects are taught during IELTS training in Dubai. Hence, you may not worry about those.
  • Invigilators are not there for clarifying your doubts. Do not ask him or her even when you fail to understand the question. You must listen to the questions carefully to answer those correctly, without any doubts.

Do you want to know more about the IELTS exam and IELTS training in Dubai?

Call us now.

The Ultimate IELTS Listening Guide to Boosting Your Band Score

Getting an 8-band score in IELTS needs thorough practice and preparation. We are discussing the tips for boosting your performance in the IELTS test here. This ultimate IELTS listening guide to boosting your band score will help you obtain a great score on the test.

What is the Purpose of the IELTS Listening Test?

The listening test helps the examiners evaluate the exact language proficiency of the individuals. It simply enables them to assess how well the candidate can comprehend an idea presented in English. The IELTS listening test will:

  • Reveal whether you can imbibe the basic concept as well as the in-depth aspects shared
  • Display your attitude and how much you can delve into a specific topic discussed in English
  • State your capability to follow a discussion, debate, or argument

IELTS Listening Test Format

The format of the IELTS listening test will tell you the importance of practice and preparation. Unlike other examinations, you will have to concentrate on the subject discussed in the recording. The most crucial factor is that you can listen to the recordings only once. That is the catch of the IELTS listening test.

The IELTS listening test format is:

  • Recording 1 – In this segment, the candidate will listen to a conversation between two. The subject would be generic.
  • Recording 2 – A monologue is given in this part of the IELTS listening test.  The person might talk about things like a guided tour or activities in a social environment.
  • Recording 3 – This section of the listening test will have two people talking or discussing training or education-related subjects. A third speaker might moderate or guide the discussion.
  • Recording 4 – A university-style lecture or a monologue on a subject is provided in the fourth section of the IELTS listening test.

Tips for IELTS Listening Test Preparation

You can enhance the chances of obtaining the best grade by preparing for the IELTS listening test. A methodical preparation, confident attitude, and concentration are the key to scoring well in IELTS listening.

  • Listen to Audio Clips Repeatedly – Just listen to different audio clips repeatedly without reading. Improve your ability to identify the keywords and memorize them. Subsequently, you will start understanding the crux of the recordings.
  • Practice Listening (without reading) – Make it a habit to understand the concepts without reading. Make yourself comfortable with the listening exercise. The improvement would be evident to you.
  • Read and understand – Read the texts and check how much you can understand. Presuming the meaning of new words from the context is helpful in strengthening the word power.
  • Read and Listen – Now you practice listening and reading the text simultaneously.

These steps would aid you in preparing well and scoring the best in the IELTS listening test.

Top 10 IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks to get 8 Band score

Scoring an 8-band score in the IELTS exam can amplify your chances of getting selected into renowned abroad universities. Joining us for IELTS training in Dubai can help you imbibe the skills for scoring an excellent grade. Our experienced tutors share exclusive tips that would benefit you in IELTS writing.

Tips and Tricks to Get 8 Band Score in the IELTS Exam

Before we discuss further IELTS writing, let’s look into the structure of the exam. The IELTS training in Dubai would offer you a thorough insight into the exam. Nonetheless, the points elaborated here would provide a brief insight.

The IELTS exam is divided into tasks under Task 1 and Task 2. You must have amply prepared for all 8 types of tasks. To score a band of 8 or 8.5. Task 1 consists of Academic Report Writing or Letter Writing (for general students). Task 2 has Essay Writing. 

  • Improve Your Vocabulary – Reading books and watching English movies are good for improving your vocabulary. It will help you use the right words and create impressive sentences.
  • Sentence Formation – Your answers should contain various types of sentences viz. simple, complex, compound, conditional, etc. Limiting the answers to simple sentences can affect the score.
  • Read the Question Properly – Read and understand the question, before you start answering. Candidates, many a time, go off the topic and elaborate. That may not be fruitful in the IELTS exam. Stick to the question asked and provide the answer.
  • Content Matters – Wide reading will help you generate ideas and concepts. It is beneficial for performing in IELTS writing as well. The flow of information and the correct usage of words is essential.
  • Time Management – Attend mock tests and improve your speed. Further, use time management to answer all the questions properly. Proper planning and preparation are required for effective time management. Our center for IELTS training in Dubai guides and trains students for productive time management in the IELTS exam.
  • Formal Language – Stick to formal language in the IELTS exam. The IELTS writing is for ascertaining your English language proficiency. Hence, it is better to avoid idioms and phrases. Contractions like don’t, can’t, etc and personal pronouns should not be used.
  • Handwriting – You must write in readable handwriting. Difficulty in reading itself can hamper the possibility of scoring high in IELTS writing.

These tips would be helpful in getting an 8-band score on the IELTS exam. IELTS training in Dubai can aid you in understanding the exam thoroughly and preparing well.                                            

What is the best strategy to improve your IELTS speaking score?

The candidates who attempt the IELTS test find the speaking test section the hardest nut to crack. This is due to the process involving face-to-face communication. But, how many of you know that IELTS Speaking is the easiest out of all the sections of the IELTS exam to improve your score. You read it right. We know that speaking interviews are spontaneous and the test-takers would be tense and won’t have much time to plan their answers. The examiners are aware of these facts, and they don’t expect you to provide them with logical and structured answers.

Remember, during the IELTS exam, you are only tested on your ability to:

● Speak fluently and without any delay or inhibition,
● Use various vocabularies.
● Evade grammar mistakes.
● Pronounce words accurately and properly.

You can get a band 8 or more on IELTS Speaking through relentless practice and learning vocabulary. One can also increase their IELTS score by following these simple IELTS speaking tips:

Be fluent and less inhibited.

If you ensure to speak fluently and spontaneously, you are sure to earn more points in the IELTS exam. Don’t worry much about using clever vocabulary; instead, focus on being fluent. At the same time, don’t speak too quickly and you need to mind your grammar. Find a good balance between speaking too quickly and pausing for long periods in the IELTS speaking examination.

Practice sample questions.

Generally, the candidate attempting the IELTS exam would be enquired about everyday topics, like work, studies, family, etc. Hence, practice makes a man perfect. Try answering as many IELTS Speaking questions before attempting the IELTS exam.

Ask to repeat the question if you want to

You won’t be losing any points by asking the IELTS examiner for clarification on any questions or doubts.

Speak with emotions

Be emotional. Express your feelings the way you would do in your native language.

Try to be coherent

Bring linking words and structures in your sentences, for example, words and phrases like however, nevertheless, all in all, moreover will enrich your speech.

It’s always good to get help from the experts while training for the IELTS exams. If you are someone who is looking for an IELTS coaching center in Dubai, yourown can help you achieve all your desired scores. Those students who opt for higher studies in foreign countries and those looking for migration and better career opportunities abroad should contact YourOwn today, enroll in IELTS classes in Dubai and crack the desired band.

What is the best strategy to improve your IELTS reading score?

Introduced in the year 1989, IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is regarded as one of the most widely accepted English proficiency tests among non-native English speakers who are aspiring to work, study, and migrate to English-speaking countries. The IELTS test has four parts namely- listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Among these, the reading section is observed as the most difficult section in the IELT test. This is when IELTS Training Dubai comes into the picture. As one of the best IELTS training institutes in Dubai-YourOwn provides well-structured IELTS Training in Dubai.

 The IELTS reading section is the second part of the IELTS test and the test is taken right after the listening section. During the process, the candidates will get around 60 minutes to read three long passages and answer 40 questions. It is not a cakewalk for many and requires extensive preparation to crack the IELTS reading test. 

Let us see how you can improve your reading skills on the IELTS test and crack the desired band score.

Get used to the question pattern- The candidates attempting the test will get 14 different kinds of questions in the reading section. Hence, it is imperative to get used to each type of question and the approach followed. This exercise will help you to answer the questions within the given time limit. Always remember to get familiar with all kinds of questions you will be facing and also should be equipped with the methods or processes to solve them.

If you are finding this a difficult task to achieve, the IELTS trainers at YourOwn– one of the leading IELTS Training in Dubai can help you with all your IELTS training worries.

Read English Books and Newspapers to enhance vocabulary- Vocabulary plays a key role in attaining success in the reading module. Hence, it is always recommended to read books and newspapers regularly which will help in improving English vocabulary. While practicing this you might find unfamiliar words, which can be cleared with the help of a dictionary. 

Be thorough with the passage framing- You should be well-versed with the framing of the passage. When you start with the test, attempt to analyze the passage structure as they encompass key terms, count of paragraphs, phrases, identical words, and more. Practicing this can aid you in understanding the core concept of the passage and secure your level of finding answers.

Skimming – Skimming is a method of quickly reading text to get only its main segments such as headlines, names, titles, etc. 

Skimming procedure- 

Read the first paragraph considerately, this will help in getting an idea of what will be discussed in the text.

Read the first and in some cases last sentence of each paragraph – this will help in getting the main idea of the paragraph.

Make sure to read the last paragraph attentively as it may contain the summary.

How do you score 8 bands in IELTS?

The International English Language Testing System, or IELTS, is regarded as one of the widely acknowledged international standardized tests of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers across the globe. It is managed jointly by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English. IELTS is an imperative eligibility condition set by English-speaking countries to permit international immigrants and students in their respective countries. IELTS is accepted by most academic institutions in Australian, British, Canadian, European, Irish, and New Zealand and over 3,000 academic institutions in the United States. It is accepted by various professional organizations across the world. The English language proficiency of the non-native English speakers is tested by measuring their ability to perform in four sections namely writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills. The IELTS is categorized on a scale of 0-9. Important to note that the students get separate scores for all four categories, and then the total IELTS score is calculated taking the average of all these scores. Attaining a band of 8 in IELTS simply substantiates that the applicant has a good hold on the English language and is an expert. This will help them in securing admission to the desired educational institutions or working or settling abroad in English Speaking Countries.

If you keep in mind the below points and IELTS training in Dubai from a renowned institute like YourOwn, scoring an 8 band in IELTS is a cakewalk.

Develop the English Vocabulary

The foundation of IELTS exams lies in the advanced usage of a broad range of vocabulary. Having a strong grasp of the English vocabulary in reading, speaking, and writing is always an advantage of IELTS aspirants who are planning to crack the 8-band score. It is an added advantage when it comes to the reading segment which makes use of a wide variety of words, the understanding of content and answering the questions that will follow is only can be achieved if you have a stronghold on the vocabulary and take special efforts in mastering it.

Possessing poor vocabulary will lead to confusion regarding the content which will dampen the confidence. Working persistently on the vocabulary is one way to achieve the 8-band score.

Those candidates who are not confident with their vocabulary skills can enroll themselves in IELTS Coaching in Dubai by YourOwn. The IELTS Training Courses in Dubai by YourOwn helps the students to polish their English Language skills and the beginners will be provided special attention to crack the desired score to success. YourOwn is considered as one of the best IELTS training institutes in Dubai for the consistent success acquired by the students.

Develop and understand English Grammar

Another important factor that will evaluate the success of an IELTS aspirant as the vocabulary is their proficiency in English Grammar. If an aspirant is well-versed with the English Grammatical usage, then cracking the 8-band score is an easy task for them. One can crack the writing segment easily with a good hold on English grammar. Having extensive knowledge in English Grammar can also help the aspirants while attempting the Reading and Listening sections. One will be able to understand the fundamental sentence structure and meaning conveyed most effortlessly.

As one of the best IELTS training institutes in Dubai, YourOwn Provides the best IELT Coaching in Dubai. The language experts at YourOwn help the students develop English Language skills which provide them with better and vast career opportunities. The mock tests conducted at YourOwn help the students to get a fair idea about the IELTS examinations which will enhance their skills to crack the 8-band score.

Best IELTS Training Institute in Dubai

IELTS or the International English Language Testing System is defined as an international systemised test of English language ability for non-native English language speakers. IELTS which was established in 1989 is managed jointly by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English.

If you are in Dubai and looking for strategic and advanced IELTS training, then your search ends at YourOwn Institute. Within very short period of time YourOwn institute have established themselves as one of the Best IELTS training institute in Dubai. Headquartered in Dubai and approved by the Government of Dubai from DED and KHDA- Dubai, YourOwn institute aims at institutional training in UAE which is backed by advanced professional development courses that enhance the academic and cognitive skills of an individual, their contemporary professional skills, and personal competencies.

YourOwn institutes directly enhances the work performance of an individual in any organisation, by aiming to enrich personal knowledge, develop confidence, shape their overall personality and boost individual morale and motivations.

When it comes to IELTS training in Dubai, most institutes which offers IELTS coaching in Dubai might not follow a standardised routine, some might pack more than required students in a classroom due to which students who might need an extra attention might not be able to achieve the required results. As one of the best IELTS training in Dubai, YourOwn stands out in many aspects.

One on one coaching methodology

We understand that some of you are introverts by nature that tightly packed group classes make you uncomfortable and steals away your concentration. YourOwn offers one on one coaching methodology to students who require extra attention for IELTS coaching in Dubai.

Regular updation of study materials and teaching methods

Personalised training classes are another plus point of YourOwn institute. We provide study materials which are simple and easily understandable by the students. The Research and Development team at YourOwn including the faculties constantly updates the teaching methods which is supported by advanced technologies. We take constructive feedback from the students and implement those if it enhances the quality of teaching and output.

Demo classes and regular evaluation

As one of the Best IELTS training institute in Dubai, YourOwn provides demo classes for their IELTS training classes in Dubai. The faculties at YourOwn are highly skilled and experienced, the demo classes will help the students to identify the training coach best suited for them. We regularly bring amendments to our teaching culture. The IELTS Training educational program by YourOwn is updated at every regular interval positively.

Special evening and online classes

YourOwn also provides special evening classes for working professionals and online classes for those who like to take the IELTS coaching in Dubai at the comfort of your home. The Interactive sessions under highly skilled faculty helps in the evaluation of students which will help the students to achieve their desired scores within limited period.