How to prepare for CDCS Certification: Step By Step Guide

Certificate for Credit Documentary Specialist is a highly specialized financial professional with immense knowledge regarding documentary credits, international financial norms, risks involved in documentary credits, etc. A focused CDCS training in Dubai will be necessary for clearing the specialization and obtaining the certification.

Objectives of CDCS Training

CDCS would make you a financial expert with an elaborate understanding of the rules and regulations related to documentary credit. A certified credit documentary specialist will:

  •  Have complete knowledge of policies, processes, rules, and regulations involved in documentary credit transactions. S/he would be able to understand erroneous transactions and make good the same. CDCS training in Dubai, under professionals with complete experience, is the right way to clear this otherwise tough qualification.
  •  Identify irregularities in the financial procedures and undertake corrective measures.
  • Implement the financial formalities and terms promulgated by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
  • Be able to manage credit documentary transactions meticulously.

Preparation Tips for CDCS Certification

We have a team of expert teachers to guide and assist you with well-formulated CDCS training in Dubai. They would offer the best support to make you a winner. The tips you may follow for qualifying for the course without any hitches are:

  • Start today, start now: Procrastination is the enemy of success. Never delay the preparation. You must start the CDCS preparation at the earliest. If you are a CDCS aspirant, join our proven CDCS training in Dubai today and start the preparation to accomplish your goal. You should not delay exam registration also.
  • Study according to the syllabus: Do not study whatever comes your way. You must go through the syllabus, understand it, prepare the study schedule accordingly and then begin the preparation. The CDCS training in Dubai at our academy would aid you in streamlining preparation.
  • Read repeatedly, and imbibe the concepts: Reading the core text and imbibing the concepts, policies, and regulations are the key to qualifying CDCS. Understand the basic idea instead of memorizing the topics. Seek guidance from our tutors providing CDCS training in Dubai if required.
  • Keep the preparation flowing: Go as per the CDCS preparations schedule prepared. Keep the preparation flowing. Avoid taking unnecessary breaks during the preparation schedule. Your whole attention should be on obtaining the certification. Try to read at least a little even if you are busy or ill.
  • Study as per the feedback and guidance received: We suggest you join CDCS coaching in Dubai, UAE. The feedback from the tutors would reveal where you are lacking and how you can overcome the lacunae. Even though one can always prepare for CDCS self, it is always better to have someone experienced to guide.
  • Keep tracking your improvement: Keep an eye on your preparation, as well as, your knowledge level on financial aspects. It would tell you whether you are improving or lacking in some areas. You can change track or impart new methodologies for preparation accordingly.

Why Your Own is the Best Institute for CDCS Training in Dubai?

Your Own offers training on CDCS and many other advanced specializations from different fields. We have expert teachers and professional instructors for providing methodical coaching to students. That is how we became the number one training academy in the region.

It is best you join Your Own right away if you are a CDCS aspirant. Our proven CDCS training in Dubai would strengthen your knowledge and enable you to achieve the qualification. Our tutors monitor each student and offer guidance/ feedback as per his or her performance. Such constant inputs would be useful in understanding the flaws and improving upon them. We assure you of the best coaching for CDCS in Dubai, UAE.

To know more about our CDCS training program, contact us now.

5 Things you can do with your IELTS Score

IELTS is one of the highly considered English proficiency tests around the world. Most of the famed universities abroad ask for IELTS exam results. Only those with good grades (preferably above 7) can expect admission to those universities.

Educational institutions, multinational companies, government organizations, etc recognize the IELTS certification. Scoring an excellent score in IELTS necessitates systematic IELTS training in Dubai. IELTS test results can be obtained in four to five days if you have given the exam online.

Here are the 5 things you can do with your IELTS score.

1. An Excellent Score in IELTS can open the Doors to Top International Universities for You

First thing first. Enrolment in renowned colleges and universities around the world is the first objective of those appearing in the IELTS exam. Although several candidates with different aims attend IELTS training in Dubai, the majority join the course for undergoing abroad education. Once you succeed in obtaining an impressive score in IELTS, you can apply to the top universities in countries including the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, and Ireland confidently.

2. Stand Out Among the Crowd

The IELTS score is a silent statement about your proficiency in the English language. Add it to your resume to tell employers about your language skills. Effective communication requires good knowledge of the language and its grammar. Display your achievement in the social media profile as well. Adding the qualification to your personal profile on a professional network like LinkedIn will elevate career opportunities.

3. Better Career Options than those without IELTS Qualification

Fluency in the English language, preparation of effective emails, conveying ideas properly during brainstorming sessions as well as client meetings, preparing meeting minutes, etc requires good control over the language. People with good listening skills, vocabulary, and speaking skills only would be able to perform in the corporate world.

4. English is the “language of the world”

The popularity and acceptance of English might be debatable. People may argue for French or any other language. Nevertheless, it is a fact that proficiency in the English language can get you a job in any part of the world. Even if you are opting for careers in countries that do not support English, you can expect the jobs of translators or person interpreters. The job possibility offered is vast. Therefore scoring a good grade on the IELTS exam is highly useful. We suggest you get in touch with us to know more about the IELTS course in Dubai, the exam patterns, and other relevant aspects.

5. Enhance the career opportunities

IELTS empowers you to seek jobs in varying roles. Technical skills, certifications, and experience might be the things that are primarily checked by employers. Proficiency in the English language, as affirmed by the IELTS exam grade, will boost the possibility of your selection extensively. This has been another important factor that raised the acceptance of IELTS courses in Dubai and around the world. 

The Conclusion

The IELTS course has earned wider acceptance and popularity owing to the benefits it offers. You can expect admissions to the top international universities, career progressions, and job possibilities around the globe with a score above 7 in the IELTS exam.

Nonetheless, scoring above 7 is not a simple task. Concerted efforts under the guidance of expert tutors are necessary for reaching the said score. That is why we suggest you join IELTS coaching in Dubai. With the tuition, revisions, and mock tests, you would be prepared enough to appear confidently in the IELTS exam.

You may connect with us for IELTS coaching in Dubai, UAE. We assure you of the best IELTS classes in Dubai.

How to become a certified management accountant: Step-by-Step Guide

Certified Management Accountant or CMA is a reputed and widely recognized qualification that offers promising career prospects. Many think that CMA is a complex one to complete. Obviously, this (wrong) concept deters them from joining the CMA course in Dubai or any other region.

We are expecting this step-by-step guide on the CMA course to offer better insight regarding it. The 10-point guide we have prepared would be useful in understanding the exclusive aspects of the CMA course.

1. Educational Qualification to Join the CMA Course

You must be a graduate to join the CMA course in Dubai (or any place in the world).  At the same time, there are no specifications regarding the stream. Nonetheless, most of the CMA aspirants are from accounting, finance, economics, and general business. You are free to join the course even if you haven’t received your bachelor’s degree yet. Although it is a personal choice purely, we suggest you discuss it with our professionals before deciding upon the same.

2. Become an IMA Member

You need to pay a nominal fee and become an IMA member. The membership offers extensive availability of resources around the world. By exploring those, you can enhance your capabilities and knowledge level. Different types of IMA memberships are available viz. IMA Professional Membership, IMA Student Membership, IMA Academic Membership, and Staff Enrolment Discount Program.

3. CMA Program in Dubai

Joining the CMA course in Dubai is the next step in this journey. For this, you must pay the entrance fee which varies depending on the type of membership. You must be sure about the decision to join the program. The CMA course is not an easy one to complete and you are supposed to clear CMA Part I and CMA Part II in 03 years. Failing that, you will have to pay the entrance fee again.

4. Joining a CMA Review Course Program Would be Ideal

The reputed firms providing CMA courses in Dubai would offer CMA review courses as well. The comprehensive course offers excellent help in preparing for the CMA exam.

5. Plan and Prepare for the CMA Exam

Preparing a formulated timetable for CMA preparation would be useful for covering all the topics meticulously. Our expert teachers would not only provide excellent CMA coaching but also would help you in preparing the timetable.

6. Register for the CMA Exam

Once you reached the required level, register for the CMA exam. The institute where you are undergoing the CMA course would guide you in this regard. Note that the CMA exam happens three times a year. Register before the exam registration window closes:

  • January or February
  • May or June
  • September or October

7. CMA Exam

The computer-based CMA exam is of a four-hour duration. The first three hours are for multiple-choice questions and the fourth hour is for answering two essay-type questions. Even though you can choose to appear in CMA Paper I and CMA Paper II in the same exam window, it might be better to attend the exams separately.

8. Mandatory 02 Year Experience

You must have two years of professional experience for becoming an approved CMA. Completing the CMA course is not the end of the journey after all. You can gain this qualification, by joining a professional firm, within seven years of completing the CMA course in Dubai and passing the exam.

9. CMA Certification

CMA certificate is issued by IMA. The application for the CMA certificate has to be forwarded to IMA, along with all the documents proving your educational qualifications, and professional experience.

10. Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

CPE is a mandatory requirement for maintaining the CMA membership valid. CMAs should comply with at least 30 hours of CPE every year. And the document indicating the same has to be kept safe, for verification by the authority if required.

Do you still have doubts regarding the CMA course in Dubai?

Reach out to us right away.

How Your Own become the best UAE Corporate Tax Training provider in Dubai?

Tax is the main component of every economy. Governments undertake development activities, social services, infrastructure development, welfare activities, and other general-purpose tasks with the tax. Having a pivotal role in the financial status of the country, nations follow exclusively designed tax regulations.

Tax regulations, laws, and policies form the structure that defines the tax to be paid by entities and individuals. Invariably the tax laws in almost all countries are intricate in nature. Requiring specialists to handle all the calculations and determine the right amount due to the government.

A wrong calculation will lead to the individual or the firm paying extra, causing a dent in the money earned/ profit. Filing less than what is to be paid will invite disciplinary actions and financial penalties. That is why personnel trained on corporate tax evaluations are vital.

Your Own offers comprehensive corporate training in Dubai. We have been known as the best one among the UAE corporate tax training providers. Your Own has a bunch of tax experts, who have expertise in all the regulations related to corporate tax. They provide extensive training, guidance, and coaching for the students to undertake the task efficiently.

Who All Can Take Corporate Tax Training?

For that matter, anyone interested in learning about the corporate tax structure and the calculation methods can join corporate tax training. Additionally, youngsters planning to seek a career in the tax sector may opt for UAE corporate tax training. We suggest the following professionals join corporate tax training in Dubai:

  • Tax professionals
  • Financial controllers of firms
  • Auditors
  • Cost accountants
  • Financial advisors
  • Management accountant
  • Finance professionals

The curriculum of UAE Corporate Tax Training at Your Own

We have formulated systematic coaching for corporate tax training in Dubai. The teaching and training process helps the students to understand the basic corporate tax rules, tax regimes, tax calculations, corporate tax evaluations, etc. The classes will have:

  • Basic introduction that would educate the students about the federal laws governing corporate tax and tax calculation processes.
  • Corporate tax filing process, including the documents required, provisions of the revenue code, and how to go ahead with filing the tax
  • Comprehensive teaching of tax laws, their judicial aspects, elaborate explanations of how corporate tax laws were prepared, etc
  • Corporate tax planning processes. With an aim to help the corporates save money by reducing tax liabilities
  • Lessons on Alternative Minimum Tax and other important topics
  • Practical sessions including problem-solving related to corporate tax. To cement the concept of corporate tax into the students’ minds. This helps in enhancing confidence in corporate tax calculation as well.

We became the best UAE corporate tax training provider in Dubai by maintaining this meticulous teaching process properly. 

Factors that Make Us the Best in UAE Corporate Tax Training in Dubai

Your Own provides comprehensive coaching and classes on varying fields including corporate tax in UAE. The reasons that made us the best in UAE corporate tax training are:

  • Your Own provides comprehensive coaching and classes on varying fields including corporate tax in UAE. The reasons that made us the best in UAE corporate tax training are:
  • UAE tax regulations, VAT laws, corporate tax policies, business laws, etc are taught as part of the course
  • The training at Your Own would help you gain skills and knowledge for Corporate Tax Planning
  • The comprehensive corporate tax training in Dubai offered by Your Own would make you confident enough to handle the requirement singlehandedly.

For more info on the UAE corporate tax training in Dubai, the course details, the fee structure for the course, and the curriculum reach out to us.

Future Scope of Facility Management Course

Digitization has transformed every industry evidently. Not only the working culture has changed but also the efficiency of systems and employees have gone up phenomenally. The facility management and associated operations are expected to meet the risen requirements.

The facility management courses have also been witnessing modifications since the new millennium. The integration of digital technology has made the field more productive than ever before.  

What Does the Trend Say About Facility Management?

Improved efficiency, with the advent of technology, has led to increased expectations. Facility managers nowadays are expected to deliver seamless and proper service. They must be able to handle things efficiently, monitor the tasks consistently, maintain equipment and accessories meticulously, and remain consistent with their performance.

A few of the technological advancements that are changing the facility management sector are:

  • IoT: The Internet of Things (IoT) has presented facility managers with limitless options. Maintaining colanders, ascertaining the condition of equipment, manpower management, data collection and segregation, operational readiness, etc can be confirmed without running around. The facility managers must have adequate knowledge about IoT and should know the operation.
  • Digital Workspace Management: Digital technology has infiltrated every walks of life. It has made every task a lot easier than before. Nonetheless, a detailed understanding of the technology and technical elements is essential to reap the best benefit. Companies will have multiple works going on simultaneously. The facility manager must keep a tag on all the activities, the requirements, the important tasks to be undertaken, and so on. Digital workspace management has a vital role in ensuring everything goes smoothly. The FM must have knowledge and experience in digital workspace management.
  • Data Analytics: Data management, data analysis, and data maintenance are some of the roles of the facility manager. Normally, an FM is bombarded with a multitude of data pertaining to different departments. S/he should assess the data, maintain a proper record and act as and when required. Data analytics offered by state-of-the-art algorithms have made these tasks simple and effective. A facility manager with knowledge of data analytics software can explore it to deliver the best to the company.

What is the Future Scope of the Facility Management Course?

Choosing the right facility management course is crucial. Since you are reading this article, you might be looking forward to joining a facility management course. Joining a recognized course, that would offer you a wide range of career opportunities, is essential.

A few of the fields with high prospects of a job in the facility management field are:

  • Systems Inspection and Maintenance: The facility manager is responsible for the fault-free and efficient functioning of all the hardware systems in the organization. Understanding the maintenance and management aspects of such systems (for example elevators) is important to perform the duties. Regular inspections, periodic maintenance, preventive maintenance tasks, and predictive maintenance are part of the FM’s roles. The facility manager course should have topics in these fields.
  • Environment, Health, and Safety: An environment-friendly atmosphere is what almost all countries looking at. The EHS-based facility manager courses are of high significance presently. The course you join must provide insight into EHS regulations, the extant policies, laws, etc. The facility manager is answerable to the authority in case of any issues related to this.
  •  Space Management: Software-aided facility management is a common concept presently. With advanced software available, space, material, and man management have become convenient. The facility manager course must include the managerial aspects in the curriculum and train the aspirants to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Transportation: Managing the transportation of workers and other staff in the organization is also the responsibility of the FM. Prudent planning and management are necessary for handling this task. Assessment of the situation and institution of corrective measures are required.

The importance of facility management courses is growing with the day. One can get a job at reputed firms with the qualifications gained from reputed academies offering the facility management course.