Key Characteristics of Effective Cabin Crew Members for Success

Cabin crew courses offer boundless job opportunities. The phenomenal increase in airline operators and air travelers has increased job prospects significantly. Pleasant, positive, and serene cabin crew members are the sole of every aircraft. They are the interface between the passengers and the airline company. The way the cabin crew members behave, interact, and communicate with the passengers will have a direct implication on the performance of the company.

The cabin crew courses in Dubai offered by Your Own understand this very fact. All our cabin crew certification courses are derived with this as the core element. We are one of the leading academies providing IATA courses in Dubai. And aiding aspirants to achieve prospective careers.

Key Characteristics of Effective Cabin Crew Members

Listed here are some of the essential characteristics a cabin crew member must possess. A candidate with these traits will have phenomenal career growth, with the airline company recognizing his or her skills and talent. Do not worry if you lack these qualities. Our cabin crew course in Dubai is formulated in such a way as to infuse these characteristics in our students.

1. Interaction with the customers/ passengers

A pleasant and positive interaction with the passengers or customers is expected. The cabin crew may be at stress, due to personal or professional reasons, at times. However, it should not affect his or her performance during duty.

2. Effective communication

Communication skill is a vital trait for every cabin crew member. They must communicate the messages clearly to the passengers. Consider each individual as a first-time traveler and pass down the instructions and messages clearly. Moreover, listening attentively is a vital aspect of better communication. The crewmember should listen to the customer carefully before answering. Even if she or he is in a hurry. IATA courses in Dubai have topics for improving communication skills.

3. Teamwork

There would be more than one cabin crew member in each aircraft. Flying the aircraft, maintaining the passenger/ crew rapport, and passing the info, every activity is handled by a group of members. The cabin crew members should be open-minded and should work as a team to deliver the best services on board. Our cabin crew course in Dubai would guide the candidates and impart the positivity of teamwork in them to perform well during the job.

4. Professional approach

You cannot expect everything to go smoothly always. There would be occasions wherein the cabin crewmember has to act diplomatically and handle the situations. There are possibilities of altercations between passengers or complaints from the passengers regarding the cabin crew service. Let it be any occasion, the crewmember should manage it professionally and resolve it. IATA courses in Dubai are designed in such a way as to instill such qualities in cabin crewmembers.

5. Optimistic and committed

Optimism is a trait that every individual must possess. However, it is one of the most difficult characteristics to carry. We may lose our temper or start thinking pessimistically when things go out of control. Or the events that are happening are not as expected. A cabin crewmember should always be optimistic and committed to the passengers as well as the airline company. The airline industry flies high on the shoulders of cabin crew members. That is why cabin crew certification is given only after a thorough evaluation.

6. Presentation

How you present yourself matters a lot. Especially in the airline industry. Air travel is an entirely different experience compared to any other mode of transport. Therefore, all those working in the sector should present themselves in an elegant manner. The cabin crew member’s presentation directly affects the airline company’s reputation. The company will not hire a person who is not concerned about personal presentation.

7. Caring attitude

The cabin crewmember should have a caring attitude. There would be travelers of different ages and different medical conditions. Rather than just complying with his or her duties, it is the cabin crew members’ responsibility to interact in a positive and caring manner.

Are you looking for the best cabin crew course in Dubai?

Reach out to Your Own right away. We offer IATA courses in Dubai that would present you with great career prospects. For more details, call us now.


Future Opportunities of Cabin crew certification

The aviation sector is one of the highest growing industries in the world. The number of air travelers is witnessing a quantum leap in the post-pandemic period. Relocations are happening more than ever. The requirement for flights and constant air operations has increased owing to this.

Consequent to those above, most of the airlines, air logistics companies, and other firms associated with the aviation sector have been recruiting more manpower. In the present scenario, cabin crews have a vivid and promising future. They can expect exceptional pay packages and receive increments well above most of the other fields. Qualifying cabin crew course in Dubai is the primary step for entering this promising career path.  

What is the Job profile of a Cabin Crew?

The cabin crew is the crucial member of a flight. They assist pilots during critical situations when they are asked by the captain, they interact with passengers, serve them, provide first aid in the case of a medical emergency, and handle the situation confidently in the case of an emergency.

A cabin crew member is supposed to be strong mentally and physically. S/he should be able to handle stress and remain calm in every situation. The job profile of a cabin crew is:

  • Ushering the passengers
  • Helping and supporting elderly passengers
  • Serving the passengers food, refreshments, and beverage
  • Checking the condition of passengers throughout the flight
  • Maintaining an orderly atmosphere inside the flight
  • Demonstration of emergency procedures and operation of safety equipment
  • Administering first aid in the case of a medical emergency
  • Handling emergency situations maturely·        
  • Preparation of post-flight reports

What are the Skills Expected in a Cabin Crew?

Cabin crew members have to play multiple roles simultaneously. They must interact politely with the passengers, and act in a strict manner if anyone creates havoc on the flight. They must maintain a serene expression reflecting confidence and pleasantness. The cabin crew course in Dubai offered by Your Own would help you accomplish a successful career through the well-formulated training at our institute.

The skills and capabilities a cabin crewmember must have are:

  • Ability to communicate clearly and effectively
  • Optimistic attitude
  • Confident approach
  • Capable of asserting ideas
  • Medically and physically fit
  • No color blindness
  • No hearing problems
  • Interpersonal traits·        
  • Stress management

We are here to help you with the best cabin crew course in Dubai. The coaching and practical training by our professional tutors would instill you with all the skills you are required to have.  

Future Opportunities of Cabin Crew Certification

The opportunities that await the candidates with cabin crew certification include:

· Cabin crew members in leading airlines: Many airline companies are short of qualified manpower. They all are looking for candidates with cabin crew certification from approved centers.

· Crew member in air logistics companies: Air logistics is a different field, which is not part of the passenger airline sector. that too seeks qualified cabin crew for maintaining seamless operation consistently. Only certified candidates with all the knowledge about the field can opt for this job.

· Domestic airline cabin crew: New members are joining the domestic airline sector. All are in the race for reaping optimal profit from the increased number of air passengers. A qualified cabin crew can get a job in the domestic airline sector as well.

Airline companies and other firms from the aviation sector are always on the lookout for qualified candidates. A critical field, it is difficult to hire a non-qualified employee in aviation. This guarantees great career opportunities for aspirants with adequate qualifications.

For more info on the cabin crew course in Dubai, call us now.  

5 ways to start your cabin crew career

The cabin crew is a member in the commercial flight posted for duties including ushering the passengers to their seats, serving the passengers, guiding them in case of an emergency, handling situations responsibly, offering first aid in case of a medical emergency, and assisting the pilots if needed. Having higher salary packages and other financial as well as personal benefits, cabin crew jobs are highly opted for by youngsters around the globe.

Here we are discussing 5 ways to start your cabin crew career. Before that, let’s see the cabin crew positions or job portfolios.

  • Purser – Purser is the chief flight attendant on board an aircraft. he or she would oversee all the activities, supervise other crew members and complete the reports as required.
  • Flight Attendant – Flight attendants are also called stewards. They are responsible for taking care of the customers and serving them.
  • Chef Onboard – A chef would be available onboard the long-distance aircraft to prepare the passengers’ food.

Ways to Start Your Cabin Crew Job

We suggest you have a clear idea about the job, the effort you might have to put in, etc. before deciding upon this. The five ways to start your cabin crew career are described subsequently.

#1.      Research About the Cabin Crew Job

It would be wise to discuss this with counselors or experienced professionals regarding the career. Only those persons, who have inside knowledge about this, would be able to provide you with real insights. Inquiring us or any other providing cabin crew course in Dubai would be useful in getting adequate info regarding the educational qualifications, career opportunities, benefits, concerns, and so on.

#2.    Training and Experience in Customer Service

You are supposed to have the talent to communicate properly, interpersonal skills, knowledge of negotiation tact, conflict resolution capability, and leadership traits. Training and guidance from approved academies would help you instill these qualities. Still, you must know that you may face unforeseen situations wherein you may have to mediate between persons, control the passengers, act as a leader, etc. All these while working under pressure.

#3.    Join a School or Flight Attendant Academy

Join a flight attendant academy or flight attendant school to gain knowledge and insight regarding the job. All the aspects of a cabin crew including the duties to be performed, aircraft types, first-aid measures, handling food, etc. would be taught. On-the-job training is also provided by some flight attendant schools, offering cabin crew courses in Dubai, which would be effective in improving confidence.

#4.    Obtain the Qualifications

Age and educational qualifications are not the only eligibility criteria for getting a cabin crew job. Of course, the cabin crew course in Dubai can enhance your chances of being selected. Still, for this highly responsible job, the candidate’s age, educational qualification, background, and physical conditions would be examined. The person would be selected only if he or she ticks all the boxes.

#5.      Application Photos Must be Proper

You must submit application photos that are shot per the prescribed specs. Read the instructions carefully and take the photo accordingly. You must have a professional appearance in the photographs shared. It is better to use a professional photographer. The photos should be in the specified format and the file size stated.

Once you have complied with all the above, you must prepare an outstanding resume that states why you must be considered for the cabin crew job. It is better if you avoid exaggeration or untrue things in the resume.

You may reach out to us to knowing more about cabin crew courses in Dubai.

IATA Cabin Crew Training Course in Dubai

Are you a dreamer? Do you yearn to travel the world and imbibe the essence of diverse cultures? Are you a go-getter desirous of becoming an integral part of the aviation sector?

Cabin crew courses in Dubai are the right option if “yes” is your answer to the above questions.   IATA course in Dubai is the entryway to this mesmerizing, as well as, rewarding career. We have been offering advanced aviation and cabin crew courses and guiding aspirants to the world of aviation.

It is a highly demanded profession, requiring skills, knowledge, and talent. Our professional tutors will provide you with guidance and coaching that will help you grab a job at the top entities in the aviation sector. 

So, are you ready to leap into growth and prosperity?

Get in touch with us right away to know more about the cabin crew course in Dubai, the qualification requirements, the details of the IATA courses in Dubai, etc. We are offering you a brief intro to the course.

General Info – Cabin Crew Course in Dubai

The curriculum for IATA approved cabin crew course in Dubai would comprise:

  • The airline industry, an overview
  • Extant aviation regulations
  • Airlines organization
  • Topics on air transport, flight operations, and general theories that form the basics of flying
  • Responsibilities and authorities of a cabin crew
  • Organizational structure on board
  • Communication inside an aircraft
  • How to act during an emergency?
  • Management during unforeseen, abnormal, and emergency scenarios
  • Firefighting procedure
  • Cabin evacuation drill
  • Medical emergency procedure
  • Training in medical first aid
  • Training in medical procedures including CPR, AED, and Heimlich Manoeuvre
  • Flight and cabin crew incapacitation
  • Handling and management of dangerous goods
  • Procedure and precautions for transportation of dangerous goods
  • Aircraft security and safety measures
  • Coordination of security methods with ATC and aircrew’
  • Handling unruly passengers who may turn into a threat to co-passengers or to the aircraft
  • Controlling unlawful acts of people on board
  • Interaction with passengers
  • Communicating positively and creating an air of positivity
  • Organizing aircraft catering
  • Marketing products in an optimistic manner
  • Serving meals on board
  • Professional development
  • Key aspects for career growth
  • Detailed knowledge of cabin crews’ origin, evolution, and the latest pursued practices

The comprehensive IATA courses in Dubai would ensure that you are capable of serving the airline and the clients efficiently. Nonetheless, it is of utmost importance to pick the right academy for a cabin crew course in Dubai.

To know more about cabin crew courses in Dubai, contact us now.

What is the job scope of the cabin crew course in Dubai?

The cabin crew possesses a broad range of skills and their prime responsibilities include ensuring the safety and comfort of the passengers on board. They oversee the different needs and interests of the passengers. The other duties include preparing and serving in-flight meals, and executing and assisting with the safety procedures during the time of emergencies. The cabin crews are also responsible for maintaining the cabin’s cleanliness and taking care of the in-flight sales activities. At first sight, you might feel the cabin crew profession is an attractive and lucrative one, indeed they are, but it also comes with a certain number of responsibilities and level of maturity.

Let us discuss the duties and responsibilities of the cabin crew, the skills required, and the pay scale. 

Duties & Responsibilities

The airline cabin crew is responsible for the safety, well-being, and comfort of the onboard passengers in both short and long flight journeys. The cabin crew are also known as flight attendants and help the passengers in finding their respective seats, create awareness of the safety procedures, and offer food and beverages, and other amenities. Their common duties and responsibilities include:

  • Attending pre-flight training and meetings along with the pilots to attain flight information for each trip. 
  • Performing inspections on the condition of emergency equipment before each flight. 
  • Making sure the airline cabin is stocked with food and beverage, also ensures the cleanliness of the cabin. 
  • Greeting the passengers as they board and leave the flight 
  • Make sure that the passengers on board are all prepared for take-off and landing. 
  • Helping the elderly and the passengers with special needs 
  • Providing first aid, and more.

As the law directs all airlines to hire cabin crew or flight attendants, there is high demand for highly skilled and experienced applicants. The Flight attendants who have undergone Cabin Crew Course in Dubai or Cabin Crew training in Dubai along with industry knowledge and high professional skills will be able to fetch greater hourly salary than those candidates with less experience or qualifications. Reportedly, the national average salary for a flight attendant is over $3000 per month.

Acquire industry-relevant skills from the best cabin crew training in Dubai by YourOwn. The training methods of the Cabin Crew Course in Dubai at YourOwn are focused on career-oriented education. Apart from the regular curriculum, the cabin crew course in Dubai by YourOwn also focuses on language training and product knowledge that includes Food & Beverage, grooming, and more. 

Call us today to know more about our cabin crew courses: