Top 10 IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks to get 8 Band score

Scoring an 8-band score in the IELTS exam can amplify your chances of getting selected into renowned abroad universities. Joining us for IELTS training in Dubai can help you imbibe the skills for scoring an excellent grade. Our experienced tutors share exclusive tips that would benefit you in IELTS writing.

Tips and Tricks to Get 8 Band Score in the IELTS Exam

Before we discuss further IELTS writing, let’s look into the structure of the exam. The IELTS training in Dubai would offer you a thorough insight into the exam. Nonetheless, the points elaborated here would provide a brief insight.

The IELTS exam is divided into tasks under Task 1 and Task 2. You must have amply prepared for all 8 types of tasks. To score a band of 8 or 8.5. Task 1 consists of Academic Report Writing or Letter Writing (for general students). Task 2 has Essay Writing. 

  • Improve Your Vocabulary – Reading books and watching English movies are good for improving your vocabulary. It will help you use the right words and create impressive sentences.
  • Sentence Formation – Your answers should contain various types of sentences viz. simple, complex, compound, conditional, etc. Limiting the answers to simple sentences can affect the score.
  • Read the Question Properly – Read and understand the question, before you start answering. Candidates, many a time, go off the topic and elaborate. That may not be fruitful in the IELTS exam. Stick to the question asked and provide the answer.
  • Content Matters – Wide reading will help you generate ideas and concepts. It is beneficial for performing in IELTS writing as well. The flow of information and the correct usage of words is essential.
  • Time Management – Attend mock tests and improve your speed. Further, use time management to answer all the questions properly. Proper planning and preparation are required for effective time management. Our center for IELTS training in Dubai guides and trains students for productive time management in the IELTS exam.
  • Formal Language – Stick to formal language in the IELTS exam. The IELTS writing is for ascertaining your English language proficiency. Hence, it is better to avoid idioms and phrases. Contractions like don’t, can’t, etc and personal pronouns should not be used.
  • Handwriting – You must write in readable handwriting. Difficulty in reading itself can hamper the possibility of scoring high in IELTS writing.

These tips would be helpful in getting an 8-band score on the IELTS exam. IELTS training in Dubai can aid you in understanding the exam thoroughly and preparing well.                                            

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