How to Improve Time Management During the CMA Exam

Knowledge and practice alone cannot help you clear the CMA exam. Effective time management is key in attending to maximum questions correctly. And qualifying for the CMA exam. Experts at leading academies like YourOwn, offering CMA courses in Dubai, will guide you on time management and exam strategies. Nonetheless, we are discussing time management during the CMA exam here.

This article is intended to give you an insight into the importance of time management. Further, if you are looking to join the CMA course, talk to us today.

Structure of MCQ in the CMA Exam

Practice sessions during the CMA course in Dubai will give you enough experience regarding MCQ in the CMA exam. Nonetheless, we are offering you the details regarding it, for you to have an understanding. The CMA MCQ section has two parts. They are namely:

  • Part 1: MCQs on Financial Reporting, Planning. Performance and Control
  • Part 2: Financial decision-making

One good thing is that there are no negative marks for wrong answers in the CMA exam, which is a different aspect compared to other competitive exams. Candidates can make intelligent moves, like examining the answers to rule out the possibly wrong ones to reach a decision on the right answer. Experienced academies offering CMA courses in Dubai offer guidance in this regard as well.

Essay Section in CMA Exam

Candidates must have a thorough understanding of the concepts and in-depth knowledge of the topics to answer questions correctly and precisely. How well the candidate understood the theories and explanations will be evident from the answer. Clarity of expression is of paramount importance. To score the best in the CMA exam essay part. CMA course expert tutors provide guidance on grasping the crux of the topic, which would be useful in answering the questions in an appropriate manner.

While attending essay questions, make sure that:

  • Well-structured answers that elaborate on the point must be there in the essay.
  • Answer to the point. Relevance of the answer is important.
  • The answer should be clear and precise. Do not dilute the answers with irrelevant factors.

Things to Note During the CMA Exam

Proper preparation and coaching at a prominent academy offering CMA courses in Dubai are vital for clearing the exam. Note the following when you are attending the CMA exam. These points would be useful in scoring excellently:

  • Never hurry through the questions, it can result in you picking the wrong answer
  • Read each question patiently and understand it correctly before answering. You need to practice fast reading to reduce the time needed for reading questions.
  • Key elements in the questions must be picked. It would give you the intention behind the question.
  • Read the questions with a clear mind and never rush to respond.
  • Ruling out possible incorrect answers will help you in finding the right answer when you are not sure about the answer.
  • Analytical skills must be improved. For it would be useful in answering even difficult questions.
  • There are no negative marks in the CMA exam. Make optimal use of this fact.

Time Management Strategy for the CMA Exam

Pursue the following points to improve your time management during the CMA exam:

  • Answer questions from the topics that you are more confident with first.
  • Do not waste time on difficult questions.
  • Set a specific time limit for each question from MCQ. Do not exceed the time limit, come what may. You can come back to the question at the end if time permits.
  • Have an exam strategy prepared in advance, with the help of tutors at the CMA course in Dubai.
  • Mark the questions that you find difficult and return to them at the end.
  • Quickly read the questions completely. Practicing fast reading during CMA exam preparation would be helpful.
  • An ordered response would help you score better in the essay section. It would be useful to make an order in mind or roughly outline the sections before answering the essay.
  • Planning the CMA exam would be useful in answering the questions optimally.

For more guidance on the CMA exam and to join the CMA course in Dubai, talk to us today.

Discover the importance of UAE corporate tax knowledge for accountants.

New UAE corporate tax law has been implemented from 01 June 2023. The law includes new regulations and policies that every tax professional must know. A comprehensive UAE corporate tax training in Dubai is necessary for understanding the law perfectly and abiding by the new rules.

The coaching and training program developed by us focuses on all the key factors of corporate tax returns, taxation regimes, and all the areas associated with the business tax.  In addition to tax professionals and accounts, aspirants looking for a prospective career in the financial sector can join our renowned UAE corporate tax training in Dubai.

Why UAE Corporate Tax Training in Dubai is Preferable?

As we said above, this training program is ideal for tax and accounting professionals, as well as, youngsters searching for a promising field to build their career. The reasons why UAE corporate tax training in Dubai is a preferable course are:

  • The requirement for knowledgeable professionals is increasing day by day.
  • Not enough personnel with coaching on the new UAE corporate tax training in Dubai are available.
  • Almost all businesses and organizations need trained tax professionals to file their tax returns and handle all the associated activities.
  • An in-house tax team boosts the confidence of the companies. Hence, every business is building its teams, causing increased requirements of tax professionals with expertise in UAE corporate tax laws.

What are Included in UAE Corporate Tax Training in Dubai?

We have been the top academy providing training on UAE corporate tax laws. Numerous tax professionals and students have undergone the course at our coaching center. The UAE corporate tax training in Dubai offered by us will cover topics including:

  • Fundamentals of UAE corporate tax law
  • Applicability of the new tax laws
  • Definitions of different terms and newly introduced provisions
  • Calculation of corporate tax as per the new tax law
  • Corporate tax exemptions
  • Taxability of different types of professionals and professions
  • Calculation of corporate tax for resident and non-resident individuals
  • Understanding the concept of residential person, sourced income as per UAE corporate tax law

The individual will be thorough with all the provisions, calculations, and regulations of corporate tax on the successful completion of our UAE corporate tax training in Dubai.

Benefits of UAE Corporate Tax Training in Dubai

Once you complete this course, you will be benefited in several ways. The benefits of the course are:

  • In-depth knowledge and practice in the process of corporate tax calculation and tax filing.
  • Comprehensive insights on taxation concerned with profits made from businesses.
  • Understanding of advanced techniques for calculating corporate tax liability, which would ease the process of calculation, filing, and claiming refunds.
  • Guidance to corporates on tax planning and implementation of such methodologies.

To know further advantages offered by corporate tax law training in Dubai, reach out to us.

Why Your Own for UAE Corporate Tax Training in Dubai?

Our dedication to the students is the main factor that distinguishes us from others. The professional tutors at our academy have years of experience and exhaustive knowledge of all aspects related to corporate tax and taxation. The exclusive elements that keep us way ahead of the other academies are:

  • Practical-oriented coaching aiming to equip the professionals with ample capabilities.
  • Realistic situations are considered for preparing the UAE corporate tax training in Dubai at YourOwn.
  • The students are subjected to real-life scenarios to enable them to handle complex situations.
  • Pedagogical method exclusively designed to induce professionalism in the students.
  • Effective career guidance that would aid the student in joining the right sector.

We welcome all those looking to join UAE corporate tax training in Dubai. A prosperous career awaits those successfully complete this course since every entity needs qualified tax professionals.

Career Opportunities and Advancement Prospects after Pursuing UAE Labour Law

The UAE has implemented labour laws to maintain a healthy employment atmosphere. With this law in place, a healthy employee-employer relationship exists in the country. It is an employee-oriented law that ensures, apt salary packages, comfortable accommodation, administrative support, job change opportunities, and many other benefits. Professionals who have qualified for the UAE labour law training course in Dubai are sought by companies and businesses. This has led to an increased demand for the course.

What is the UAE Labour Law?

The UAE government has formulated and promulgated the UAE labour law to ensure a healthy life and work environment. The law will prevent altercations between the employee and the employer, state a wage structure, detail the specifications of the job contract including working hours, and so on. The subject labor law is constantly amended according to the varying employment scenarios. Therefore, professionals with a thorough knowledge of UAE labor law are a must for every business and every company.

We have been providing comprehensive UAE labour law training courses in Dubai. To help aspiring candidates take up progressive jobs at prominent organizations. The labour law course will cover all the topics to provide knowledge and understanding, which would be pivotal in decision-making.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) is the authority for UAE labor law. It is the responsibility of MOHRE to monitor that the law is implemented by the employers. Further, necessary changes and improvements are made depending on the conditions.

MOHRE administers and ensures that all the academies and institutions offering UAE labour law training courses in Dubai are abiding by the regulations. Ensuring that the courses are maintaining the laid down quality.

Advantages of UAE Labour Law Training Course in Dubai

Companies cannot function smoothly without professionals having qualifications in UAE labour law. Moreover, the course offers several advantages as well. The advantages of UAE labour law training courses in Dubai are:

  • UAE labour law training course offers a deep understanding of all the elements related to the legal framework that regulates the employment arena. The individuals with the qualification will know how to resolve complex situations, ambiguities arising between the employer and employee, how to negotiate salary packages, etc.
  • The qualification earned after the UAE labour law training course in Dubai opens multiple opportunities for the individual. Since every company should have knowledgeable professionals handling the HR department, the course has elevated the job prospects.
  • A team with UAE labour law qualifications will make the functioning of the firm smooth. Therefore, employers always prefer those with adequate qualifications over individuals without that. Hence, certification from acknowledged educational institutions is a must. Rather than from a random institution.
  • A continuous updation of knowledge is essential to keep the framework of the entity healthy. Legal complications may occur if the firm is pursuing an obsolete regulation, which had been amended. Those with the UAE labor law qualification will be monitoring the changes happening and implementing the same in the official records of the organization. Thus ensuring that the negotiations with the employees, employee-employer relations, etc. are maintained as per the extant policies.

Career Opportunities After Pursuing UAE Labour Law

Several job opportunities await those who successfully complete the UAE labour law training course in Dubai. Businesses, companies, organizations, and law firms seek candidates with certification in labor law. HR departments of companies need a team with UAE labor law qualifications, for maintaining a healthy relationship with their labourers.

Organizations like law firms and consultancy services, which serve the employment sector also look for employees with certification post UAE labour law training program in Dubai. A successful career awaits the persons with this qualification.

Eager to know more about the UAE labour law training program in Dubai?

Call us right away.

What Does Travel and Tourism Encompass? An Exploration of the Concept

Travel and tourism are interlinked concepts. They complement each other for existence. In this article, we are exploring the travel and tourism industries. And the aspects that distinguish them from each other. If you are considering the IATA course, the info we share here would be of immense value.

At the same time, we suggest IATA courses in Dubai for those looking for a promising job. That would help them embark on a successful career.

Tourism Industry

Tourism means traveling to a place or multiple places for leisure or business. The journey will involve stoppages, stays, and visits to important spots. Travel is an integral part of the tourism industry. In fact, tourism is incomplete without the travel industry. Tourism normally comprises round trips. Staying at one location for a year or more is not considered tourism.

Travel and tourism are discussed together normally. IATA courses in Dubai and other regions will discuss the concepts related to tourism in detail and impart knowledge related to the field.

Travel Industry

Moving from one location to another location is called traveling. Travel can be short-distance, long-distance, abroad, domestic, by ship, by air, or by road. The traveling industry is a huge one with multiple entities involved. It has travel services, ticketing agents, travel associates, food supply firms, and government agencies involved. Approval from government authorities is necessary, which is called a visa if the person is traveling to another country. IATA course comprises of syllabus that covers various topics in the travel industry.

Difference Between the Tourism and Travel Industry

It is quite difficult to understand the differences between the travel and tourism industry. They both are different at the root level. This is the basic aspect taught to students undergoing IATA travel and tourism courses.

The table below lists the main differences between tourism and travel industry:

Round-trip journeys normallyNo limitation on the type of journey
Traveling is an integral partTourism is not an integral part of the travel industry
The scope is limited compared to the travel industryWider scope than the tourism sector
Leisure is the prime purposeCan be for any purpose (and tourism is one of the main purposes)
Involves multiple entities from varying fieldsLower stakeholders compared to the tourism industry

Those looking to enter the travel and tourism industry must join IATA courses. No other course can offer such bright and vivid opportunities as the IATA course in Dubai.

Sectors Involved in the Travel and Tourism Industry

Handling multiple tasks and managing the activities in the travel and tourism industry necessitates knowledge and hands-on experience. The IATA travel and tourism courses are designed with this perspective, to make the individuals capable of serving the firms in the best way. Hence, companies from the travel and tourism industry around the world look for candidates with IATA qualifications

The Sectors related to the travel and tourism industry are:

  • Transportation: Travelling can be by road, rail, sea, or air. Companies delivering transportation services provide traveling assistance to clients. Cruise ships, aircraft, trains, and luxury buses are used for providing conveyance to the destination. Spacecraft is the latest addition to the travel and tourism industry. Presently it is not popular due to the exorbitant expense. But soon it is expected to be popular. The IATA course in Dubai will cover all the aspects related to transportation.
  • Accommodation: Accommodation is an essential part, especially of the tourism industry. Tourists will need a place to stay when they explore new locations and spots. It could be a budget-friendly hotel, dormitory, camping, or luxurious living space. The accommodation one chooses will depend on his or her budget availability, as well as, the purpose of travel. Connecting with the clients and offering them the best option is the key to getting more customers. A thorough understanding of the IATA travel and tourism course will aid in this regard.
  • Food and Entertainment: Food preference will differ depending on nationality. The guests must be provided with the food of their choice. Further entertainment programs have to be offered to engage and entertain them.

If you are looking for IATA courses, please feel free to talk to us. We assure you the best support. Call us now.

Is Obtaining an ACAMS Certification Worthwhile? Exploring the Advantages of ACAMS Certification

New job opportunities are available nowadays. Understanding the qualification requirements and pursuing them at the earliest is the best way to get into a prospective career. Certified Anti-money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) is such a qualification. By undergoing CAMS training and obtaining certification from the Association of Certification Anti Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) will be able to have a sea of opportunities in both the private and public sectors. We are looking into the aspects related to CAMS certification in this post. At the same time, you may reach out to us if you are looking for the best CAMS training in Dubai.

What is ACAMS Certification?

ACAMS is known to be the largest organization working towards the prevention of financial crimes. Money launderers use varying methods to convert black money into white. Their sole aim is to convert illegitimate income into legitimate one. Only a qualified professional with CAMS certification can unearth the money trail and prevent such crimes.

CAMS certification is given to individuals who qualify for the course. The syllabus for CAMS training in Dubai and other regions around the globe is designed to focus on the core objective; of preventing fraud in the financial sector. With the advancement of technology, fraudsters explore multiple money laundering methods. A keen observation, analytical skills, and expertise are essential for becoming a proficient CAMS specialist. The ACAMS certification is approved by international financial institutions and other global bodies.

ACAMS certification subsequent to CAMS training and qualification states the individual’s capabilities as an anti-money laundering specialist. 

What is An Anti-Money Laundering Specialist?

An anti-money laundering specialist with the CAMS certification is a person with knowledge and qualifications in investigating, identifying, and unearthing financial crimes, especially money laundering. They are a vital part of financial regulations in the present global scenario. The base point to note here is that the money laundered is used generally for unethical activities that are harmful to the human race, irrespective of region. The money is normally pumped into funding activities like terrorism.

The anti-money laundering specialists have wide roles and are considered pivotal in the financial spectrum. They would formulate and implement procedures and methods to prevent money laundering, establish a system for monitoring the money flow, and undertake constant surveillance of the financial transactions. The CAMS training induces the individuals with abilities to asses and analyze situations, and ascertain the possibilities.

Benefits of ACAMS Certification

CAMS certification offers several benefits both to the individual and the organization. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been a widely popular course option. Consequently, the number of candidates choosing CAMS training in Dubai is also increasing unlike before.

  • Enhances Skills, Knowledge, and Capabilities for Undertaking the Best Anti-money Laundering Practices: It is not possible to become an anti-money laundering specialist one fine day. meticulous CAMS training, revisions, practices, and real-life practical tests are necessary. Those involved in money laundering will be using unheard-of techniques to hide the trail of money. Only a qualified CAMS specialist with keen eyes can unearth them. The study materials are taken from the financial procedures, policies, and regulations formulated and followed by international organizations including the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and FATF (Financial Action Task Force). This enhances the skills of the individual and makes him or her a perfect anti-money laundering specialist.
  • Create a Culture that Abides by the Financial Regulations: The ACAMS specialist will be instituting advanced processes and procedures for financial regulations. Their positive approach and methodical guidance will help the other employees in the organization to abide by the regulations strictly. This positive atmosphere is highly beneficial for the entity. Therefore, they also prefer ACAMS specialists.
  • Become a Member in a Large Network of Specialists: ACAMS is spread over 180 countries. The CAMS training and certification allows you to become a member of this prestigious association. The job opportunities also increase subsequently. Further, the members have the option to take up jobs anywhere in the world, with the CAMS certification.

Get great job opportunities through CAMS training in Dubai. We would be happy to provide you with advanced ACAMS certification training. For further details, call us now